Mind, Body, Soul


Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Guide and Teacher
Michelle Morovaty

Dear God,

I love you. Thank you for all of your blessings!

Dear God, what is your plan and purpose for me?

Today let this question inspire you. Today let this question sit in your heart.
Today let this question be the only question you have.

And let the spirit of God guide you. Let God's love surround and lead you with directions.
Ask God to be clear within you. Ask God to be specific. Ask God to show you the way.

Dear God,

Thank you for all that you do for us. Thank you for showing up in our lives. Thank you for trusting us, even when we don't trust ourselves. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for saving us.

Today we ask that you save us from hurting ourselves and that you save us from our past decisions and choices that are harmful to us and to others.

Thank you for saving us. We love you.

And so it. Amen.

Author's Bio: 

Michelle is an Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Guide,Teacher, Master Dahn Yoga Healer, Wellness Coach, and Writer. She is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming, Master Time Line Therapy and Master Hypnotherapist. Certified brain Management Consultant. She is a Certified Reiki and Pranic Healer. Michelle experienced her inner awakening to her True Self, the God within, as she learned to heal herself from Lupus CNS in 2002. Since then she is guided from within, as a channel for the light, guiding others in their healing process Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually. Her life purpose is to support and awaken people to their True Selves, the Power within and to cause and create Oneness inside and out. Michelle also connects to the Spiritual World for assistance where Love is the essence of Truth and Oneness.