You have exactly three minutes of speech in order to grasp the attention of the audience and ensure they will purchase your products.

Throughout the three minutes of your presentation, your audience decided whether they are interested in your words and if you are worth listening to. If you do not have the chance to snatch the attention of your audience during the first three minutes of your presentation, they decided you are not worth listening to.

First three minutes represent the accurate and highly focused attention of the audience. That’s why these minutes are the most important ones. First impression is the best way in order to bring the audience to your side and you have only one chance at it.

Throughout these three minutes you must connect yourself with the audience. Connecting yourself to everyone who listens to you is one most effective ways to successful communication.

When you have built enough rapport with your audience, they feel engaged with you in your presentation, meaning it’s now your chance to satisfy their requirements.

You can connect yourself with your audience by:

•Using their Jargon’s and preferred terms, most likely using words they use.

•Raising your tone, use the same tonality and say it like they do.

•Using the same gestures and postures like they do.

Before the presentation, meet as many of your audience and build rapport with them individually so they will be focused on you throughout your presentation. Tell them a story which expresses the same thoughts as they expect.

Allow the audience to build their own expectation and do your best to meet those expectations. Share your thoughts with different types of openers to see which one of them builds more rapport for you and your audience. Examine your results after using as many different openers you can. The openers who build more rapport along with the audience for you, are the suitable ones. Such types of openers you can look into are: humorous, current events, pictorial, anecdotal, pertinent quote, real-world situation, rhetorical and musical.

If you were successful enough in order to build enough rapport with your audience in the first three minutes of your presentation, the rest of it will run smoothly, meaning that you will be able to entertain them and be yourself on the stage.

Author's Bio: 

Delivering public speeches is a tough performance that requires lots of guts. MindMaster is a personal development program that helped people in these difficult situation where the power of your mind the ultimate determiner, and the program runs on affirmations in text and image formats. You can download and try the program Free by visiting