If you’re of the opinion that there are already enough churches in your area, Developing Churches Network would kindly disagree.

“If every evangelical church in the country were filled to capacity each and every Sunday, it would still only provide enough seats to accommodate a small percentage of the overall population,” says DCN’s Todd McMichen. “We need more churches and different churches- not just more of the same.”

McMichen’s church, The People’s Church, is a member of the network, and serves as a model of church at it’s simplest. Todd is bi-vocational; he heads up McMichen Development Group as a day job. The church meets in a public school on purpose.
They’re heavily involved in their community. In fact, Todd recently instructed his church members to stop inviting people to church. “The thing is,” explained one church member, “our message is ‘Come to Jesus,’ not ‘Come to church.’”

DCN invited us to come in an speak about how a church can think and act like a missionary. Birmingham’s Downtown Church hosted us. There were no Lone Rangers here, this is a network of church planters who are committed to getting things done in unity and mutual support. We’re looking forward to being involved as the Developing Churches Network continues to equip, resource, and encourage missional churches.