Liposuction is great in removing excess body fat. Fat is removed by making incisions in the skin through which canulas attached to a machine are inserted to suck out fat from the target area. Though this is a short procedure, more than one liposuction procedure may be required when large amounts of fat are removed. This will cause some pain and discomfort.

The amount of pain you will experience for two days after liposuction depends on the anesthesia used for the procedure. While local anesthesia lasts for more than 24 hours after the surgery and reduces post-operative pain, liposuction performed under general anesthesia dissipates more quickly and thus is more painful. You will experience some soreness for 2-4 days after the surgery, which gradually decreases over a period of 4 to 8 weeks.

Local anesthesia gives minimal discomfort after liposuction

In case of tumescent liposuction under local anesthesia, the only discomfort experienced immediately after the procedure is soreness or tenderness for 12-24 hours. The pain is similar to a sunburn and the muscle soreness experienced after a vigorous workout. Acetaminophen is usually sufficient to provide relief from this pain.

The pain you experience after liposuction using local anesthesia is rather mild because of the effects of the anesthesia. However, in case of liposuction using general anesthesia, because the effects do not linger, the pain can be rather intense and may require narcotic analgesics for relief.

Elastic compression garments help

Using elastic compression garments after the surgery helps provide some pain relief, if used with the open-drainage technique. Here, the tiny incisions made for liposuction are not stitched closed, producing maximum drainage of blood-tinged anesthetic solution which helps reduce pain and swelling. Most patients continue wearing these garments even after the drainage stops to restrict movement and jiggling of treated regions, and for a secure feeling.

Bed rest is not necessary during the recovery period. In fact, it is better to be active and start walking after surgery. While those who have undergone tumescent liposuction can drive a car within 1-2 days, those who had liposuction under general anesthesia need a longer recovery period.

In some cases, the use of intravenous sedatives and narcotics in general anesthesia can lead to nausea, vomiting and postoperative chills in the patient. However, these symptoms are unusual with local anesthesia.

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The physicians at Museum District Aesthetic Plastic Surgery will help you decide which mode of treatment is best for you. Years of surgical experience have enabled our renowned Houston plastic surgeons and dedicated staff to provide the best liposuction in Houston. Visit our site at to learn more of this and other cosmetic surgery techniques to bring out the best in you.