According to health experts, up to 60% of all adults may not be consuming adequate magnesium in their diets. Magnesium is commonly found in foods such as cold water fish, spinach, nuts such as almonds, cashews and pumpkin seeds and certain breakfast cereals. Even those that believe they are consuming a recommended daily quantity may have an impaired ability to get enough magnesium from the food they eat.

The most common type of magnesium in traditional vitamins is Magnesium sulfate, which is taken orally (1). The problem with this is that magnesium sulfate has a poor absorption rate, possibly as low as 4% in some cases. So, even those who believe they are getting plenty through supplements, they may actually not be because the body cannot use it.

There is a much better way of getting magnesium into your body, which is through magnesium oil applied transdermally.

What is Magnesium Oil?

Magnesium oil, although the name suggests, is actually not an oil. It is named such, because of its ‘slick’ feel. Magnesium oil is an aqueous solution of magnesium chloride, a much more bioavailable form of magnesium, which is easily absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes.

Magnesium chloride is occasionally used in traditional medicine as an intravenous injection in emergency type situations, but only when the patient is shown to be low in chloride levels as well. This method of getting magnesium into the system is both painful and intrusive.

Although, this type of magnesium is actually ‘sulfate’, not chloride.

What Does Magnesium Do?

Magnesium works in the body in muscle and nerve signal transmission, in a balance with other electrolytes such as potassium, calcium and sodium. Potassium has traditionally been given for muscle cramping and patients are often encouraged to eat high potassium type food such as bananas when experiencing muscle spasms. But, the real culprit may actually be low magnesium levels.

When calcium levels are too high, there may be excess muscle contraction activity as well, and supplementing with magnesium can often solve this issue as it may prevent calcium ‘over’ activity. Magnesium is vital to hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body, including many enzymes which are needed for a number of cellular and organ processes.

Natural health practitioners and some western medicine practitioners have recognized the positive effects that application of magnesium oil can provide.

What Conditions Can Be Improved With Magnesium Oil?

Eczema and psoriasis – it may help reduce immune system over exertion, providing a calming effect on skin tissue. Epsom salts, which are magnesium sulfate, have long been used for skin disorders due to its local effect. Application of a magnesium chloride solution will provide not only local effects, but systemic effects as well.

Stress, hyperactivity and other central nervous system disorders – magnesium is known to have a calming effect on nervous system tissue, which can provide relief from overactive nerve cells which contribute to stress, hyperactivity and other nervous system disorders including insomnia and sleep disorders. Magnesium has been given in combination with calcium and potassium to combat nightmares in children, and is used in pregnancy to prevent seizures occurring in those with toxemia related to pregnancy.

Restless leg syndrome – may be caused by a disorder in the central nervous system or brain but may also have some cause related to muscle contraction abnormality. In some cases, raising the magnesium level will help to alleviate restless leg syndrome and night time leg cramping, which can really help someone sleep better (2).

Menstrual cycle improvement – due to its ability to calm smooth muscle as well as cardiac and skeletal muscle, magnesium oil may decrease painful menstrual cramping, as well as providing some relief from premenstrual syndrome symptoms such as irritability and possibly even skin eruptions.

Magnesium Oil in Sports

Topical application of magnesium oil has also been used in sports medicine, as a way of helping muscles recover after strenuous exercise. Used after exercising, or rather, used after your shower, magnesium oil will loosen tight muscles, which can help prevent injury. It can also help with sore muscles and tendons.

Using magnesium oil could also increase performance during exercise, by decreasing the oxidative stress which contributes to negative consequences of strenuous activity. Magnesium loss in sweat may increase the need for magnesium supplementation which is rarely met by dietary consumption.

How is Magnesium Oil Used?

Magnesium oil can be applied directly to the skin. It is also very effective as an alternative to, or addition to massage oil and can be added to a warm or hot bath. The solution may be used with self-application and may be of some use for children, though the amount used should be decreased. In some cases, direct application may produce a slight tingling sensation and those with a cut or any open skin may experience some burning.

Who Should Not Use Magnesium Oil?

People taking certain medications may wish to consult with a medical professional before beginning magnesium supplementation due to a possible drug interaction. These medications include some antacids and laxatives, and certain diuretic medications or other heart medications. Anyone with hypothyroidism should have their magnesium blood levels checked before using magnesium oil as hypothyroidism can contribute to too much magnesium in the body.

Though some traditional medical professionals may recognize the benefits of magnesium oil, it is likely that many will believe it is unnecessary. As clinical research studies are not generally performed on nutritional supplements or alternative medicine, western trained physicians have difficulty placing stock in anything that is not produced by the pharmaceutical industry.

Natural health practitioners and sports medicine professionals encourage the continued use of magnesium oil for a wide variety of health conditions. The use of magnesium oil is something that individuals can do for themselves with little risk, unless they are members of the group of few who are taking medication or have medical conditions. If you’re thinking of trying magnesium oil, be sure to consult your primary health care professional before you start.

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Author's Bio: 

Andy is health and wellness aficionado who has a huge interest in using natural products, like magnesium oil, to help heal and protect the body from illness and disease. On his new website he describes in great detail, how magnesium oil can help an array of problems. You can also find Andy on Google+.