Impotence, or erectile dysfunction, (E.D.), is afflicting many men. You can see that from the billions of dollars sales of drugs like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra.
Sometimes, people die, when using these drugs. Sometimes, E.D. is just a way warning you that you have to look into the underlying problem.
Take for example Abraham, who started to have problems with having erections after two years of being happily married. He had all urological tests being normal. In the beginning he was able to have sex after taking Viagra, however, after the second time, Viagra was doing nothing and he was unable to perform. As a result his wife felt that he was no longer attracted to her. She took it personally. It caused marital problems. This is how he got to see me.
My first suspicion, of course, was that Abraham was angry at his wife, and that this was his sub-conscious way to “punish” her. I was ready to bet that on Energy Muscle Testing (EMT) his muscle would be week when testing for “My wife deserves for me to be potent”.
Yet, I was surprised to find that I was wrong.
So, we went on to proceed with muscle testing:
“It is safe for me to be potent”- weak muscle. No. It is not safe.
“It is psychological”- weak muscle. No.
“It is physical”. –Strong muscle. Yes.
I asked Abraham if he had a complete physical by his doctor before he was prescribed Viagra. He admitted he bought it on line, from Canada. This could have ended in a real disaster. When Abraham saw his doctor it was discovered that he had high blood pressure and an enlargement of the heart. It did not give him any warning signs. Having sex without treating the hypertension could have caused him to have a stroke. Having sex without treating his heart condition would have been dangerous as well.
The wise body protected him.
This is a very rare case as, most cases of E.D. are indeed psychological in nature.
Scott's muscle was weak when we checked: “I deserve to be potent”. On further exploration we found out that when was not doing well in his business, he felt "less than a man". Scott subconsciously felt that his manhood is reflected in his business success. He felt that he does not deserve to have the pleasures of manhood if he does not deliver and is not a good provider for his family. We were easily able to correct this sabotage.
John became impotent after his wife declared she wanted babies and he was not ready yet. The muscle was weak when we checked: “It is safe for me to be potent”.
Larry had a weak muscle to: ‘My wife deserves for me to be potent”. It turned out he was angry at her for putting him down in front of his friends”.
Jacob had a weak muscle when we checked for: “My previous girlfriend deserves for me to be potent”. We found out she died, and subconsciously he was angry at her for dying on him. It was sub-conscious, as how can you possibly be angry at someone for dying?
None of these men had a clue what was behind their E.D. Yet, once we were able to find through EMT where the problems lies, we were able to use Sabotage Correcting Technique (SCT), to remove sabotage and regain potency.
Dr. Slonim is a Board Certified psychiatrist. Most recently she was a co-director of two NATO projects. She has been the Medical Director of the DSA Medical Clinic in Beverly Hills, CA since 1984, integrating Energy Psychology in her practice.
Dr. Slonim is the author of the book and DVD The First Key, How to Remove Subconscious Sabotage, also available as an e-book with video links. She also wrote How to Remove Self Sabotage to Financial Success with 2 DVDs and a CD.
For more information on Dr. Slonim visit
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