Are you going through a breakup and have no idea whether contacting an ex is a good idea or not? The truth is that contacting an ex can really influence the chances of getting your ex back. Please keep reading if you wonder if contacting an ex is a good idea.

What you are going through right now is not easy. Thoughts about your ex may have made you insomniac.

Breakups are never simple.

Since relationships are very important life aspects, losing someone we love is heartbreaking. This is why you feel the urge to contact your ex.

Your effort to bring your ex back to you is pushing your ex further away. Why does this happen? This is due to the space needed by your ex to contemplate.

Contacting your ex will just push them away.

Feeling the need to reach out to their ex is very common for people going through a breakup. Regrettably, these acts come off as a hopeless attempt. Calling, text messaging, emailing or perhaps visiting your ex, not only makes you not respecting their wishes but you are coming off as desperate and needy-which is very unattractive.

Would you be attracted to someone who is desperate for you to be happy? Like you, your ex would not.

So, contacting an ex immediately after a breakup is futile and desperate ways to reach out them.

If it seems like you don't have control contacting your ex, you're an emotional wreck right now so there is something you must understand.

You can't control your ex's feelings, thoughts or emotions as much as you wish you can. The only person you can control is yourself.

Try attracting your ex back to you instead of demanding for your ex's love, which is what you do when you keep contacting an ex.

You and your ex used to be deeply in love. Why did it end?

I have no idea what exactly went wrong in your relationship but I feel it's safe for me to assume that things were great until negative emotions from life stresses got in the way.

It's no wonder your relationship becomes affected by it when your internal world is upside down because of stress.

What you need to do is to become the person your ex first fell in love with instead of contacting an ex.

Are you the same radiant and attractive person that your ex first fell in love with?

If not, then what you need to do is take time for self-improvement in your life that you feel is lacking.

Maybe, certain relationships, hobbies and interest have been put on the back burner since your relationship. Instead, contact old friends, go out, and do what you love.

When the time comes to contacting an ex, you will be more than ready to attract your ex back, while you're doing this, not only are you working on your self-esteem and confidence.

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If you found this helpful and you'd like to learn more, please check out No Contact with Ex Boyfriend on the website Getting Ex Boyfriend Back.