There are many that tout the catchphrase '”Your future does not equal your past,” myself included. There is a certain amount of truth to this statement but there is also a part of this that does not hold true which I would like to explain to you today. The truth of this phrase can imprison you or it can set you free.

Your Future Does not Equal your Past

What this means is that you do not have to have the same life that you led in the past. You can change it. You can make your future bigger, brighter, happier, wealthier, poorer, sadder, and so forth.

You can in fact make your future anything you want. You are not defined by your past mistakes. Just because you made bad investments, cheated on your spouse, stole from your co-workers, spent time in prison etc does not mean this is all your future will hold for you. You can make the decision to not let the past define your future any more.

Your Future Does Equal Your Past

However you can continue to have the same tomorrow as you did yesterday. I’m sorry to ruin this positive affirmation for you. And if you spend your days chanting this affirmation in the hopes that things change you have been misled. In order to successfully change your tomorrow’s you must understand the hidden truth to this affirmation.

Your future will continue to equal your past for as long as you continue to ignore the past and the lessons that have been there for you. All the trials and tribulations in your past have existed as an avenue for a lesson for you to learn, so that you may grow, in order to do whatever it was that you came here to do. If you refuse to face your past, it will continue to relive itself in your future, until you face the truth of whatever it is you need to acknowledge and learn. So in that respect your future will always equal your past.

Set Yourself Free From the Past

It is time to sit and face the demons of your past. Acknowledge whatever it is that you have done and whatever it is that has happened that you don’t like or are afraid of. Ask it why is it here? What has it come to teach you? Ask for the lesson to be shown clearly to you? and then listen…

Will you like what you hear? Probably not and you will find it could be very painful but the truth shall set you free. Your life will not change and you will not be able to create a brighter tomorrow unless you do this. Ask yourself ‘Does it really matter?' ‘Does whatever is hiding there in the shadows really matter?’ Does it really define you as bad or as a loser or evil? Is this who you really are?

The answer is no. You are a divine being having a human experience. This is the one constant in your life. The one thing that will never change is the divinity of you that exists in your core. This is all that matters. Your past choices and mistakes should not be taking an active role in your future. They are there to help you on your journey. You are not a ‘bad’ person because of your past. You may have made bad choices but it’s not who you really are.

When you face the reality of this truth you will be able to forgive yourself and move forward. You will see with total clarity that your past does not matter; that your future really does not equal your past.

The question to ask your self now is ‘Do you really want to continue holding onto the past?” Is it worth it? Do you want to keep reliving your pains of yesterday?….

…. Because you know, you can easily let go of it, if you choose to!

Author's Bio: 

Caroline Makepeace is an entrepreneur and home business owner. She has travelled extensively throughout the world. Her travels have expanded across 33 countries. She has also lived in Dublin, London, Bangkok, Raleigh, NC and of course her home country Australia.

Caroline is passionate about living life fully and making the most of every moment. Her experiences travelling have provided her with a wealth of knowledge and a deep insight into human interactions and the perfection and magic of this great planet. Caroline strives to assist others to develop the right mindset, strategies and techniques to help them to live their best life and to enjoy the abundant wealth and happiness that this planet offers.

Caroline writes a blog offering advice, comments and strategies on these things which can be found at

She also assists many people to start their own home business and work towards their goals of financial and time freedom. If you would like to know more you can visit

Caroline is married to Craig and they have a beautiful 2 year old daughter named Kalyra, who is their greatest spiritual teacher. Kalyra's name is an Australian Aboriginal name which means 'wild and pleasant' This perfectly fits in with the Makepeace approach and belief about life that it is indeed something that is wild (free) and pleasant!