Keyword research is the foundation of SEO. It helps you discover what your target customers are searching for and how to optimize your content for them. However, keyword research is not as simple as it may seem, that is why working with an Seo agency Dubai might be a good thing to consider for your business. There are many pitfalls and mistakes that can ruin your efforts and waste your time and resources.

Generic/short tail keywords

One of the biggest keyword research mistakes is to focus on generic or short tail keywords that are too broad and competitive. For example, if you have a blog about gardening, you might be tempted to target keywords like [gardening], [flowers], or [plants]. However, these keywords are very vague and have millions of competing pages. They also don’t reflect the specific needs and intents of your audience.

Instead what an Seo agency Dubai would suggest is that, you should aim for long tail keywords that are more specific and relevant to your niche and content. Long tail keywords are phrases that consist of three or more words and have lower search volume but higher conversion rate. For example, instead of [gardening], you could target [organic gardening tips], [how to grow roses], or [best indoor plants for beginners]. These keywords are more likely to match the queries of your potential customers and drive qualified traffic to your site.

Competitor brand names

Another keyword research mistake is to target competitor brand names or products. For example, if you sell coffee machines, you might think that targeting keywords like [Keurig coffee maker] or [Nespresso machine] is a good idea. However, this strategy has several drawbacks and you might not be aware of this without working with an Seo company Dubai.

First, targeting competitor brand names can be seen as unethical or even illegal in some cases, as it can infringe on trademark rights and cause confusion among consumers. Second, targeting competitor brand names can be very difficult and costly, as you will have to compete with the official websites and pages of those brands, which usually have high authority and popularity. Third, targeting competitor brand names can be ineffective, as most people who search for them are already loyal to those brands and are not likely to switch to yours.

Instead, you should focus on your own brand name and products, and highlight your unique value proposition and benefits. You should also target keywords that indicate a comparison or evaluation intent, such as [best coffee machines], [coffee machine reviews], or [Keurig vs Nespresso]. These keywords can help you attract potential customers who are still in the research stage and are open to different options. These might seem a lot, and unfortunately when it comes to actualizing it in real life it might be hard especially for beginners. That is why you can always consider working with an Seo company Dubai.

Too high in the funnel

Another keyword research mistake is to target keywords that are too high in the funnel, meaning they are too general and informational, and don’t indicate a clear purchase intent. For example, if you sell dog food, you might target keywords like [dog nutrition], [dog health], or [dog breeds]. However, these keywords are not very effective for driving sales, as they are mostly used by people who are looking for general information and are not ready to buy anything yet.

Instead, you should target keywords that are lower in the funnel, meaning they are more specific and transactional, and indicate a clear purchase intent. For example, instead of [dog nutrition], you could target [best dog food for puppies], [grain free dog food], or [buy dog food online]. These keywords are more likely to convert into customers, as they show that the searcher has a specific problem or need and is looking for a solution or product.

Benefits of Working With an Seo Company Dubai

Many businesses try to handle SEO on their own, but this can be risky and ineffective. SEO is a complex and dynamic field that requires expertise, experience, and resources. If you make mistakes in your SEO strategy, you can end up hurting your rankings, losing your traffic, and wasting your money. That’s why working with an SEO company Dubai can be beneficial for your business.

An SEO company Dubai provides specialized services to help you with your SEO needs. An SEO agency has a team of experts who know the ins and outs of SEO. They can monitor the industry trends, updates, and best practices, and apply them to your website. They can also diagnose and fix any issues that may affect your website’s performance, such as technical errors, penalties, or traffic drops.

An SEO agency Dubai can also help you with keyword research, which is the foundation of SEO. Keyword research is the process of finding the words and phrases that your target customers use to search for products or services like yours.

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An SEO agency Dubai can also help you with keyword research, which is the foundation of SEO. Keyword research is the process of finding the words and phrases that your target customers use to search for products or services like yours.