One of the most common complaints I hear is "but I don't have the money!". People think it's a great excuse for why they don't let themselves dream big goals for their lives. As you all know, I'm passionate about using tools like dream boards to manifest wonderful things without being attached to how the universe will provide for you.
Here's my challenge to you: decide to dream big anyway, even if you have NO idea of how you're going to get it.
Trust me. You may have heard about my magical Law of Attraction experiment? I was manifesting free things like crazy - seminars, a life coaching course and best of all - six months all expenses paid travel all around the world. That experiment was worth about half a million dollars.
What was my secret? I ignored the voice that said "but you can't afford it" and instead just put my order in to the Universe. I had no idea how it was going to happen but I trusted that I would be taken care of. The Universe found a way to get around my money blocks because I was so aligned with my goals and focused on staying positive.
Watch out for these thoughts:
I want to go to Paris... but I can't afford it
I want to go to that amazing seminar... but I can't afford it
I want to quit my job... but I can't afford it.
Remember, thoughts are things. What you think about all the time will become your reality.
"But Denise - it's true - I really don't have the money"
Your job is just to define what you want and 'place the order' - through goal setting, making a dream board of your biggest desires and keep your thoughts focused.
You never know how your dream will be delivered, and once it arrives, you won't care how it got to you. Here are just ten ways that my friends and I have personally experienced:
1. An inheritance
A friend got a $15,000 inheritance from a distant relative when she was desperate to go to motivational a seminar. She got the news on the last day to register, so keep trusting until the end.
2. Bank error in your favour
I kid you not, I got £5000 just a few days before my university tuition was due and after I was turned down for a loan. The bank eventually realised but I got to pay it back in installments. I kept affirming "all will be ok, I will find the money". Well, the money found me!
3. Energy swap
I told the universe that I wanted to get over my money blocks, the next week a lady who specialised in just that contacted me to offer a session in return for a coaching session. Be open to swapping or bartering your skills to achieve your dreams.
4. Karma repays you
Do nice things for others, you never know when it will be repaid. I helped a lady put together a website and then later she gave me a great deal on photography. Your payback could come from a completely different source from the person you helped.
5. Competition winner
I'm the perfect example of that! Always apply for competitions, especially the ones with outlandish prizes - someone has to win it. If a competition comes up that is exactly in line with your goals, then go for it, it could be a nudge from the universe.
6. The Universe pays you
One of my dreams is to own a multi-million dollar beach house. I got a call out of the blue to do some location scouting for a friend to visit... million dollar penthouses - AND I got paid for it. The universe obviously wanted me to experience it. Say yes to opportunities to road test your dreams.
7. Unexpected financial windfall
This could come in countless ways. A promotion (and by the way, when is the last time you asked for one?), unexpected bonus, tax refund, overpayment, etc. Take this extra money and put it towards your dream - you'll be one step closer.
8. Complaining pays off
If I get bad service, I always write a polite complaint letter with my suggestions for improvement. Try it. In return, you may get free meals, money off your bill or even gifts like flowers or wine. It will come at the perfect time, even when you've already forgotten about it!
9. Winning cash
Yes, you might win the lottery, so it's worth buying a ticket every now and then. I also love playing bingo with my mum. During the game, I affirm to myself "I love winning"! I win at least twice every time I go.
10. Completely randomly!
Calls out of the blue with new busines, profitable ideas in the middle of the night and finding money in your pocket. Thank the universe for your abundance and every time you get something free that you would have paid for anyway, put the money you saved away into a dream fund.
The message is - you don't always need to have the money. Just trust you will be looked after but make sure you're asking for what you want.
It works so well for me that recently I had a word to the Universe:
"Thanks for taking care of me. I'm a big girl now and I can afford to pay for things myself. I'd like to manifest some actual money now please".
I'm still open to free stuff though!
What's the craziest way you've manifested a dream? Tell me in the comments below. Are you avoiding dreaming because you don't have the money?
Dream big and create your ideal life. Because nobody else is going to do it for you,
Denise Duffield-Thomas is a life coach and author of The Inspired Life Formula. She helps women develop the mindset to create the personal and profession life of their dreams.
Download a free copy of her guide "The 7 Fabulous Ways to Manifest Your Wildest Dreams" at
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