Leaking faucets affect our mental health, the health of our wallet and the planet. What are you waiting for to fix this faucet? Follow the tips below to get there.

Bad consequences
A priori , a water leak may seem trivial. However, it is not.

In addition to causing noise pollution that we could do without, every drop of water that flows unnecessarily from your faucet wastes what is rightly nicknamed "blue gold".

And everything, depending on the number of drops that can trickle out of a tap, up to 4.5 liters of water per hour can be lost! After a year, this can amount to over a hundred baths!

And that's not to mention the resulting saltier water bill, if you have a water meter.

Unless you want to throw your money out the window while wasting this precious resource of water, it is always better to have a leaky or malfunctioning faucet repaired quickly, and not to postpone this project indefinitely. !

Better help from a professional
If you're not that keen on manual labor, if you're confused by the manufacturer's installation and maintenance instructions, or if your busy schedule doesn't allow you to tackle the problem, then it's best to have the repair done. from your tap to an expert.

A plumbing professional will take care of the matter, allowing you to go about your business with peace of mind.

A four-step repair
You should know that the stem of a traditional faucet ends in a seal, while some more modern versions are based on a ceramic disc system, but no matter the model of your faucet, your "a1plumbersbristol " will repair it in one. wink. This usually consists of a few key steps:

Before starting his mission, the plumber will make sure that the faucet can be repaired;
Then, he will shut off the water inlet - a conscientious professional will also take care of fitting the sink stopper so as to prevent parts from falling into the pipe during disassembly;
He will then remove the valve mechanism to change an excessively worn rubber washer or even a cartridge with damaged discs;
The plumber will also have to clean the hole in the cylinder, reassemble everything, then reconnect the water.

What if we replaced the tap!
What's more, a leaky faucet can also be the perfect opportunity to change your faucet - maybe it suits you!

You can then get a trendy model that will match your sink and your decor. You are now with a beautiful functional tap, without having sweated a single drop!
Finally, whether for the replacement or repair of a faucet, if you have never carried out such work before, it is strongly recommended to use the expertise of a plumber.

4 ways to maintain your septic tank
If you live in a rural area, chances are you have a septic tank. Follow these 4 steps to maintain it and keep it running smoothly to avoid problems.

How your septic tank works
In a traditional private septic system, household waste is piped to a sealed tank (septic tank) where anaerobic bacteria (microorganisms that develop in the absence of air) break down the waste into solid matter (sludge). ) and liquids (effluents) and in scum.

The solids settle to the bottom, where the bacteria break them down further. The scum, made up of waste that is lighter than water, floats on the surface. The middle effluent layer flows through a distribution box and travels through perforated underground pipes to the spreading field. Then the gravel and soil act as biological filters to purify the wastewater as it is absorbed into the soil.

Too much grease and other contaminants can destroy the bacterial action essential to the proper functioning of a septic system and interfere with the absorption of effluents in the spreading field.

In some systems, a grease trap located in the drain pipe removes excess grease from the wastewater before flowing into the main septic tank.

1. Conserve water
Large amounts of water, especially if they are delivered over a short period of time (for example, if several people shower one after the other or if you do several loads of laundry in a day), can result in particulate matter. untreated waste suspended in the spreading field and obstruct it. Here are some of the safest ways to keep your septic tank healthy:

Take shorter showers and replace old shower heads with low-flow models;
Fix leaky faucets and turn off the faucet when you shave or brush your teeth;
Replace outdated toilets, washing machines and dishwashers with new water efficient models;
Wash full loads of clothes or adjust the water level in the washing machine to smaller loads.

2. Pay attention to your tank
Also pump the tank as needed to remove sludge and scum build-up. How often you clean your tank depends on its size and the number of people living in your home.

If foul-smelling water rises from the spreading field or if water is being pushed back through drains, the septic tank is not working. Contact your septic service company as soon as possible.

3. Avoid sending certain materials into the pit
Being careful with what you pour down your drains is the key to avoiding septic tank problems. It is important to avoid clogging the system and keep the bacteria alive, healthy and active.

- Problematic elements include:
Fats ;
Oil ;
Coffee grounds ;
Paper products other than toilet paper;
Cat litter ;
Disposable diapers ;
Feminine hygiene products ;
Condoms ;
Dressings ;
Prescription drugs ;
Aluminum foil ;
Cigarette butts .

- These toxic liquids are also to be avoided:
Drain cleaners ;
Bleach ;
Antibacterial soaps ;
Disinfectants ;
Acids ;
Oil paints ;
Solvents ;
Pesticides ;
Fertilizers .

4. Watch for some accumulations
The solids that the garbage disposal drops down the drain can overload the septic tank filtration system, allowing food particles to reach the landfill, where they cause or accelerate the clogging. If you do not have a garbage disposal, it is possible to do without it.

Water is constantly flowing from the septic tank to the spreading field. If the spreading field is saturated with rainwater, your septic tank water has nowhere to go.
A septic field needs oxygen to function properly. Driving over it compresses the earth and expels the air.
Only plant sod on and near your septic tank and spreading field. The roots of trees and shrubs could damage the system.

In the event of an emergency or a problem with your septic system, do not hesitate to contact your service company or your plumber, if applicable.

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And everything, depending on the number of drops that can trickle out of a tap, up to 4.5 liters of water per hour can be lost! After a year, this can amount to over a hundred baths!