Essay writing is one of the significant assignments that are being assigned to students at every level of studies. It is a widely practiced assignment that depends on research and topic along with analysis of the details that can help in developing a strongly based argument necessary for a perfect essay.

This article is truly meant for those students or beginners who have to write an essay for examination purpose where they may not find any help from any source or reference. A student has to write independently only on his/ her knowledge in a given span of time. The three comprehensive steps involved in essay writing includes

• Topic Selection
• Planning
• Execution

Unlike reading, writing is a comprehensive task that is related to reading and listening. An essay should be properly presented that shows the writer understands. It is important to understand that an essay is not just a piece of writing but is an important subject or problem that needs personal opinions and answering the essay question.

The essay writing guidelines especially meant for writing good essay in examination also are:

• Avoid waste of time on a single step like thinking about a topic or so. It is beneficial to consider the options you have, then select one from which you are familiar with.
• Understanding the topic is a crucial element that gives you a right direction to follow. The main theme should be identified and must be followed till the end. It will provide the main frame to your topic.
• By drawing an outline you will get some important points that are crucial to be included in your work. Plan the areas on which you have to work to build a proper structure.
• Writing an introduction gives the readers an idea about what you are going to include or conclude in your essay.
• Knowledge should be gathered and organised in a way that a reader may finds it simple and influencing to read. A writer should smartly come to the point and deliver his own opinions or views
• Proofread your work and check for every possible mistake you can make.

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