In today's world facing an interview is a big job. Than completing their graduates. Because they don't have an idea about How to face an interview. And what are the tips to followed while facing an interview. So that you can easily tackle the interview phase to get the job opportunity. To grab the job opportunity first of all you need a resume. Because resume is an entry point that gives an chance to face an interview. And resume also gives a clear & detailed description about your self & your educational skills , & about our work experience. & our personal details. So we must describe these details in details. So that interviewer can get a detailed description about our self & what type of job you are searching for. If you get an idea about How to write a resume. Then their will be an chance to get shortlisted for an interview round. If you are searching for a job. Then first of all you have to forward your resume to a respected company. Then the HR of the company will screen your resume depending upon your resume contents, your skills,& your work job history. So your resume is important. And what you include the contents in resume is also important.
Before you are writing your own resume, first you have to visit some best resume sites. Which will guide you on How to write a resume. It will also enlist on what are the tips to be followed while writing a resume. making a resume is not a big thing but what contents you include in it. It matters. So you must include only important points in bold letters. And after you know what contents to be included in resume. Then choosing a best resume format is also important point. There are 4 types of resume format available i.e Chronological resume ,functional resume combination resume,targeted resume etc. You can choose any one resume format available from these formats. Depending upon your choice for which post of job you are applying.
Before starting to write your own resume you have to search for best Resume templates samples from search engines. And you can choose best resume templates samples from these. And you can use it as a source while writing your own resume. And you must need not to copy the same resume contents & same resume format from these templates but you can refer it while writing your resume. And first of all you should include your career objective point at top position because this point is important in resume. It specifies what are your careers objectives in your professional life that you are trying to gain it. Second the basic font must be in 10-12 font size and it must be in times new roman font style, mostly many professional resume are in this font family format. Next you can include your educational section details in this section you can also include any certifications you have completed. Next you can include The work experience point in resume if you have,You may enlist it in points namely:-[Name of Company, Since year- till year, work experience,Name of project,Project description,technology you used in project,front-end,back- end,Key skills/your role in your project]Next you can include your Project details that you have completed in your academic colleges in these section you have to elaborate it in details mostly you have to decompose it in points namely:-[Name Of projects, Team Size,Project duration,Project description,Technology used,Front-end,Back-end,Key skills/your role in your project].This point is most important because mostly many companies mostly concentrate on this point because if they like your project which you have done. If your project matches with their requirement then their is a chances to get select in company. So this point is most important. And selecting a right project is also important for your career which will turns it into bright. Next you can include your personal details points in your resume in that you can include your Contact number,email-address,date of birth,Languages you know,Your current address, your permanent address,basically you must include address in which city you are searching. For e.g if you are searching for a job in Pune city then you must include the current address of Pune city only. This shows that you are living in Pune city. Next you may include the references point in your resume, rarely this point is optional, and you must not include, And at the last point you can include The Thanks & Regards point in your resume.
Once you get completed with you resume it gets a chance to face an interview. And also it comes to know how much we have the ability to face an interview. If you know How to write a resume then this point is also not sufficient to get the job. Because writing a best & out standing resume is one part & facing an interview is another part to get the job opportunity. Also preparing for an interview. Is also an important point as resume. Because How you face an interview it also matters for job opportunity going for an interview you also visit some best site which guides you on How to face an interview & what are the tips to be followed So that you may get short listed for next round.

By studying on above mentioned points you can come to know on How to write a resume. And what are the contents to be included in your resume. So that you can get a chance to get entry in a respected company for interview.& it also gives an idea about interview tips to be followed while interview session. So that you can grab the Job opportunity.

!!! Best Of Luck !!!

Author's Bio: 

The resume is a best site which gives an idea about How to write a resume with in a minutes using online Resume builder. And it also provides a free Resume templates samples for all resume category. This feature is best for a freshers who don't have an idea about How to write a resume.