Insomnia - the most common and widespread of all the sleeping disorders known - is usually caused by a tangled combination of physical and mental issues.
Before being able to effectively eliminate insomnia fast and naturally (without the use of poisonous, insomnia worsening drugs), here are a few basics you should know;
1. Remove all of the distractions that are stopping you getting your critical, body and mind restoring sleep
Stress – work/personal relationships, depression, debt, unemployment etc. You have to eliminate or cope better with the cause of your stress.
Poor diet content – excess caffeine and sugar consumption is only a small part of this common modern day problem.
Healthy exercise – not doing even minor forms of gentle exercise is another major contributor to insomnia and its' associated health issues.
2. Practice good "Sleep Hygiene" - Relax yourself with nightly habits or routines
Have a muscle and mind-relaxing hot bath.
Read a good book.
Keep away from those sugar and caffeine loaded bedtime snacks.
3. Carry out some simple, gentle brain re-training - you will definitely need this
You had no trouble falling to sleep before insomnia became such a huge and serious part of your existence, so you'll need to re-train your frayed brainwave patterns back to their original deep-sleep-grabbing condition.
So in summary; you should know that even though some of the points written here may seem easier said than done for the most of you insomnia sufferers (and can certainly be massively expanded upon), there is and always has been plenty of hope. Many thousands of people have suffered with this miserable affliction and many thousands more are still destined to suffer the same, but many thousands of people are also being very effectively and permanently cured!
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My Very Kindest regards
Peter EC Kirwan
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