•What Is An Anal Fistula?
An anal fistula may be a tunnel that runs from inside the anus -- the opening your body uses to urge obviate solid waste -- to somewhere within the skin around it. it always follows an infection that didn’t heal the proper way. Your doctor can repair the fistula, but you will need surgery for that.
Occasionally, bacteria can clog an anal gland and cause an abscess cavity to make, from which in some cases the abscess may drain on its own. Some anal glands might not drain on their own though and need medical attention, otherwise, the anal fistula, or tunnel, might not getaway.

•Anal Fistula Symptoms
Some common anal fistula symptoms include pain, redness, or swelling within the area around the anus. Other symptoms can also include fatigue, some general physical discomfort, fever, and chills, also as some possible drainage from the world around the anus. If this sounds awkward or uncomfortable - it’s because it's, which is why numerous patients that suffer from anal fistula consider finding a top-notch colorectal surgeon to be so important.
What are the symptoms of an anal fistula?
• Frequent anal abscesses.
• Pain and swelling around the anus.
• Bloody or foul-smelling drainage (pus) from a gap around the anus. ...
• Irritation of the skin around the anus from drainage.
• Pain with bowel movements.
• Bleeding.
• Fever, chills and a general feeling of fatigue.

•Anal Fistula Treatment
The treatment process begins with treating the anal gland infection or abscess. This typically involves surgical drainage, which can be performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. Once the abscess is drained, the surgeon can affect the fistula. The surgery for a fistula may be a fistulotomy, which may be a procedure that involves connecting the interior opening within the anal canal to the external opening, creating a groove that will heal from the within out. Typically, the procedure includes placing material within the fistula to occlude it, or to change the encompassing tissue so as to be ready to close the fistula.

Advancement flap procedure

An advancement flap procedure could also be considered if your fistula passes through the sphincter ani muscles and having a fistulotomy carries a high risk of causing incontinence.
This involves cutting or scraping out the fistula and covering the opening where it entered the bowel with a flap of tissue taken from inside the rectum, which is that the final a part of the bowel.
This features a lower success rate than a fistulotomy but avoids the necessity to chop the sphincter ani muscles.

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