It’s true that with diabetes, managing pregnancy can be a little challenging than you expect. Pregnancy demands a good blood sugar control during the course of pregnancy and you might want to consult your physician during these 9 months. Diabetologists in Navi Mumbai recommends your HbA1c of below 48mmol/mol when you're pregnant. The journey of motherhood is something a women would want to ride at least once in her life and for some it is with less hindrances, for many it may approach with number of concerns because of their health issues. During pregnancy, different factors come into play such as hormonal changes, nausea, vomiting, mood swings, food cravings, etc. Hence, it is quite difficult to control your blood sugar levels but even that some precautions could be taken to assure healthy child birth.
Best diabetes treatment center in Navi Mumbai advice women with diabetes to get an experienced and expert gynecologist consultation during pregnancy along with the supervision of an endocrinologist to avoid any further complications.
Before pregnancy
According to Diabetes Care Centre Navi Mumbai, Babies born to women with diabetes are at risk of being born larger than average, or with a birth defect. They may also be born prematurely or even stillborn. They are also at risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the long term. Try to get more stable blood glucose levels and if needed use an insulin pump.
There is a chance that some of the potential complications of diabetes, like eye disease and kidney disease, may develop while you are pregnant. Your doctors will keep an eye on this. There is also a risk of developing pre-eclampsia, a condition involving high blood pressure during pregnancy, which can cause problems for the baby. Patients are usually advices a high dose (5mg) of folic acid every day from when you start trying to get pregnant until you're 12 weeks pregnant. This can help you have a healthy pregnancy.
During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, the need for insulin also increases significantly. Diabetic Centre in Navi Mumbai, stress the importance of Insulin as it does not have any side effects on the baby, but high blood sugar does hence administering a healthy blood sugar level can make a good impact on baby as well as mother’s health. The key concern during diabetes in pregnancy to the new born are congenital malformations in the form of neural tube defects (such as spina bifida) and congenital abnormalities of the heart.
Try not to embrace your sugar cravings easily as this will upset your sugar levels. While looking for food try opting for healthier alternatives to suffice your sweet tooth such as fruits. Keep your calories in check so you know when you can treat yourself with sweets. Now-a-days number of devices are available in the market to keep a track of your blood-glucose level, such handy tools like watches and meters can help you get through this phase more efficiently. Though occasional fluctuation is not much of a concern for the baby if your HbA1C is under control. “Giving birth to a child is itself a big responsibility and a difficult stand in life, and if you have type 1 diabetes, there are even more reasons for you to be extra cautious” — Dr.Vinod Methil, Sweet Clinic, Mumbai.
Some Quick Tips for About-to-be During Pregnancy!
• Start taking folate when you are thinking about pregnancy
• See your gynaecologist often
• Closely monitor your blood rly sugar levels
• Find alternatives of sugar, and follow it
• Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs
• Regularly review all your medications with the specialists
• Never miss any vaccination during these 9 months and after.
• Maintain healthy weight
Delivery and Birth
Delivering a baby in diabetes could a bit complicated than it usually is. Plan the birth of your baby together with your gynecologist or midwife. Many Diabetes Clinic in Navi Mumbai may suggest a caesarean delivery along with a drip with sugar and insulin while in labour. As son as the baby is born, the child will be under close observation, with a regular blood tests. This is to test for low sugar levels. Your baby may need a few days in special care in nursery.
Diabetes won’t affect your breastfeeding, hence you should be able to breastfeed your baby. Visit us to get the consultation from the Best Diabetes Hospitals in Navi Mumbai.
Sweet Clinics have the top diabetes doctors in Vashi with Diabetes Management care clinic in Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
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