Prostatitis is a prevalent prostate ailment, while premature ejaculation is a form of male sexual dysfunction, and their clinical symptoms vary significantly. However, clinical observations suggest a potential connection between prostatitis and premature ejaculation.
Prostatitis, left untreated, can potentially trigger premature ejaculation, making it one of the associated symptoms of prostatitis. But how does prostatitis contribute to premature ejaculation?
1. Nerve Stimulation: Prostatitis can stimulate nerves associated with pelvic and sexual functions. These nerves influence the brain and sexual activity centers, heightening neural sensitivity, causing excessive nerve excitement, and lowering the ejaculation threshold, ultimately leading to premature ejaculation.
2. Seminal Vesicle Stimulation: Inflammatory factors associated with prostatitis can reach the seminal vesicles, crucial for semen storage and ejaculation. This stimulation can increase their excitability, resulting in premature ejaculation.
3. Prostate Changes: Prostatitis, particularly the chronic form, can induce minor structural adjustments in the prostate. Since the ejaculatory duct merges with the urethra through the prostate, these structural changes can affect the pressure at the ejaculatory duct opening. When this pressure drops too low, premature ejaculation becomes more likely.
Treatment for Premature Ejaculation Caused by Prostatitis:
1. Psychological Regulation: Patients with both premature ejaculation and prostatitis should prioritize psychological well-being. Reducing excessive psychological pressure and adopting stress-reduction techniques, such as listening to music or going for outings, can be beneficial.
2. Dietary Adjustments: Dietary changes are also crucial. Opt for light and easily digestible foods like millet porridge and noodles, while reducing spicy and stimulating foods like barbecue and hot pot. Minimize greasy foods like fried chicken. Including dietary fiber-rich foods like celery and staying hydrated to promote urination can aid in recovery.
3. Lifestyle Care: Patients should avoid prolonged urine retention, prolonged sitting, excessive sexual activity, maintain good personal hygiene, change and wash underwear frequently, and ensure sufficient rest and sleep.
4. Physical Therapy: Microwave therapy or hyperthermia can improve local blood circulation and aid in resolving prostatitis.
5. Medication: Under medical guidance, medications like levofloxacin hydrochloride capsules and cefixime capsules can help control infections. However, many drugs may not penetrate the thick prostate capsule effectively, offering only temporary relief. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill contains meridian-inducing drugs that can penetrate the inner capsule and effectively treat deep prostate lesions.
Patients experiencing premature ejaculation and prostatitis must prioritize addressing prostatitis as the first step in their treatment plan. This involves eliminating inflammation and enhancing kidney function to improve premature ejaculation.
Timely treatment for prostatitis is essential. Patients should maintain confidence in their treatment, seek encouragement, and remain vigilant against premature ejaculation.
Additionally, self-exercises can be beneficial. Simple pelvic floor muscle exercises, such as quick contractions for 1 second followed by relaxation for 1 second, or 10-second contractions followed by 10 seconds of relaxation, can aid in prostatitis and premature ejaculation. Hot water sitz baths can also promote blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and contribute to the treatment of both conditions.
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