High blood pressure does not happen overnight since it slowly creeps in the body system due to improper diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Based on this premise, how does one discern the relationship between eye disorder symptoms and high blood pressure?

Hypertension in individuals if left untreated can also damage your eyesight. As blood pressure mounts, the retinal blood vessels found at the back area of the eye tend to constrict. The pressure results to blurred images since the retinal area is restricted from focusing on an image.

Hypertensive retinopathy is a condition, wherein the high blood pressure sufferer shows symptoms of elevated blood pressure through blurred or impaired vision.

Often, blurred visions caused by constricted blood vessels, is a result of undetected hypertension problems. This is one of the critical aspect of a hypertension disorder, the afflicted person is not aware that his blood pressure level is already high and becomes evident only, if symptoms like hypertensive retinopathy will appear. Statistics have it, that almost 1/3 of high blood sufferers do not know that their blood pressure level is already high.

Due to blood vessel constrictions, blood is restricted from flowing to retinal blood vessels, and the sufferer will experience the following:

1. Fluid discharge emanating from the blood vessels.
2. Spots resembling “cotton wools” tend to blur retinal vision.
3. There will be an inflammation of the optic nerves.
4. The back of the eye will show signs of bleeding.

Most often, the hypertension sufferer is not aware that the rise in his blood pressure is causing damages to his retina. He may suffer from blurred visions and frequent headaches which may prompt him to submit himself for a routine eye exam.

Only an eye care professional will be able to discern that hypertensive retinopathy is taking place as a result of high blood pressures. This is made possible by using an ophthalmoscope, an instrument capable of examining the back of the eyeballs. This disorder can be alleviated only if hypertension is placed under control.

The only way to prevent this eye disorder is through the same methods of prevention required in order to control blood pressure. Simply stated, keeping blood pressure levels in check will prevent the occurrence of hypertensive retinopathy. The best way to do this of course is by ensuring proper dietary intakes and a change of lifestyle, which may include the incorporation of a suitable exercise regimen.

In connection with this, persons with known familial history of hypertension, are advised to always submit themselves for blood pressure checking in order to monitor the rise and fall of their blood pressures. You need not wait until eye symptoms like visual impairment affect you; permanent visual loss is an injury too difficult to settle on.

Author's Bio: 

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and high blood pressure treatment. Discover how you can lower blood pressure naturally using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now for more useful articles such as: Lowering Blood Pressure