There are many reasons to need cash in a hurry. It could be an upcoming concert that you cannot miss or perhaps a shut-off notice on one of your utility bills. Whatever the reason, you should be aware of the various ways you can secure a fast loan when in need of emergency cash.

Most often, people will go to their bank or their friends to borrow cash. Though these are viable avenues, there are some strings attached that can ensnare you. For instance, if your credit score is low, good luck getting a loan from a bank. Banks typically do not loan to those with bad credit and if you are approved, bank loans can take weeks to secure. Furthermore, though pay-periods for banks are usually lenient, it is this exact leniency that can wrap you up in debt when you forget about paying your bank loan.

Similarly, the familiarity of borrowing from a friend might seem appealing at first but what happens when you fail to pay off the loan? Do you lose a friend or do you live with the guilt of not making good on your promise? This situation is, unfortunately, extremely common.

So, what to do? Consider an auto title loan when you need fast money in Fresno. Circumvent the need for exceptional credit and the possible humiliation of asking your loved ones for cash. Auto title loans in San Jose are extremely easy to secure and cost you nothing up front.

Once approved, you can have your money within 24hrs and rest assured that your easy-to-understand loan will be paid off. Furthermore, even if you believe your vehicle has no equity to leverage, even a lemon will qualify for a salvage title loan. It's that easy!

Author's Bio: 

Joel Pencer is an expert in all things personal finance and auto finance.