Feeling Unwanted Sexually By Husband: Feeling Unattractive To Husband

Marriage certainly has its share of blessings and struggles. When a couple has been together for many years they can begin to settle into a routine of predictability. This becomes even more prevalent when they have children. Life's stresses take over and the relationship may suffer. One area that many women find issues developing is with intimacy. If you are in a sexually unsatisfying marriage you may be feeling many conflicting emotions and you may even be considering the possibility of ending the marriage. There are things you can do to help not only your husband but yourself as well.

The first thing every woman in a sexually unsatisfying marriage should do is realize the issue likely isn't a result of any one thing she did. Many women worry that a change in their weight or appearance is the driving force behind their sexless husband's disinterest. Most men will tell you that putting on weight does not make their spouse less appealing. The issue is most often deeper than that.

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Many men are more sensitive than we initially realize. If you are a woman in a sexually unsatisfying marriage the crux of the problem may be related to tension between you and your husband. If you two have been colliding over something important such as parenting techniques or money issues, this can actually have a bearing on what happens in the bedroom. Many men just aren't comfortable with confrontation which means they won't broach the subject for fear of it turning into a heated argument. If there is something that you two have been struggling with, set up a time to talk about it calmly. Ensure that you aren't accusatory or hurtful. Try and resolve the issue together and once you do, you might notice a sudden shift in the intimate part of your relationship.

Just as women worry about body image, men do too. If your husband has gained some weight since the two of you were married, this may be interfering with his desire for sex. He may feel self conscious about his body and also his ability to perform. This feeling will only be heightened if you've made negative comments about his weight gain in the past. If you think this may be the issue that is causing you to have a sexually unsatisfying marriage, devise a healthier eating plan and an exercise routine for your husband. Participate in this new healthier lifestyle with him. It will create a new bond between the two of you and as the pounds fall off, he just may rediscover his desire for intimacy.

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Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will save your marriage and get you back to that place you once were - in love, committed and excited about the future - within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Some people don't understand why the subject of saving a marriage is so popular. They claim that it is the best thing that ever happened to their lives. Their relationship is fun and gives them a great feeling. They share their life's emotions and the day to day battle with someone dear to you. They weave dreams together, pursue ambitions and make dreams to come true.

However if you are reading this article then you are probably from the very large group of people who feel that getting married was like getting on a roller coaster ride and they regret that they made ever made the commitment. They are disappointed, hurt, and they even feel lonely, since marriage is not working out the way that they thought it should have.

If you are from this second unfortunate group, how can you fix your broken marriage? Unfortunately, I don't know of any one way "fit all" way to do it. There are lots of ways to save a marriage and each person and couple have to find the way that fits their personalities and situation.

Even though there is no one way to fix a marriage, If you are truly willing to take an extra mile in order to save your marriage and get things back to normal then read on to learn 4 universal guidelines.

1. When marriage is starting to lose its magic and you need to make sure that you know how to start fresh again and regain the happy day DON'T look for shortcuts and quick fixes. You need to take each step slowly and surely. Make sure that you iron out things in a positive way, as mature and responsible individuals.

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2. Try to get to the root of your arguments with the intent to find solutions and not just to blame. After you pinpoint them, you can then make suggestions on how to overcome them and not to repeat the same mistake again. Like the saying says, "Name it to tame it"

3. Be willing to let go and to take risks. Be honest (but gentle) with your spouse. There is no other way but to have an honest conversation when something is wrong in a relationship. This is one of the best ways to fix it. Making lies will just make things worse, it its only one way of telling your partner that you are serious of starting something fresh again. Don't make any argument to reach the dawn of next day. If you ever do that, you are only making things worst.

4. Remember, it takes two to tango, both of you must do something to make both ends meet again. Don't only point a finger at your spouse, you have to be prepared to also make changes.

Marriage is a vow made to last forever. You surely didn't get married to end it! If your marriage is going through some hard times now remember these 4 pieces of advice; don't look for shortcuts to save your marriage, get to the root of your arguments, be bold to change things, and don't only look to perfect your spouse. Following these guidelines you'll be able to get your marriage back on course and have a happy marriage.

Next, click here now to find out why your spouse is lying to you about the reasons they want a divorce. Follow the information step by step and you will discover the truth, cut through the lies and pain, stop divorce dead in its tracks, and rebuild the strong, intimate marriage you've always wanted... even if your spouse doesn't want to!

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I know what you are thinking "no, there are totally hopeless marriages that can't be repaired by any means." I know that it looks like that there is a certain turning point in a marriage after which it cannot be saved whatever you do. But, today I am here to say that this is not the case. Every marriage can be saved if you do the right things.

But unfortunately, this is something of a double edged sword. Yes, your marriage's fate is in YOUR hands and you can fix it by doing the right things - but on the other hand, doing the wrong things might damage it and cause it to end permanently. So, not doing the wrong things is at least as important as actually doing the right things.

What if your spouse already left you? Here's how to get them back.

Like I said in the title, I have been in your situation and can relate to the things you must be feeling now. Saving my marriage was a long journey, which I started on the wrong foot and had to put a lot of effort to repair. What I was initially doing wrong was that I was unaware of my mental incapability (that comes from being in the middle of a horrible situation) to really think and come up with what it takes to save a marriage.

In my desperation, I begged my husband for forgiveness - unfortunately this didn't work and made everything worse. But soon I understood that I was on the completely wrong track. I realized that I was not going to make any progress by trying to do everything myself. Simply put - I couldn't think properly. My emotions were overwhelming me to the point that I lost my rationality. This was the reason I went begging to him in the first place. You should avoid this.

What you should do, and what changed my fortunes; was the realization of this "incapability". You should quit trying to think of "methods" by yourself and seek outside advice from a source that you trust. This is beneficial on so many levels. Someone who isn't in the middle of your situation can look at the whole thing at a much wider perspective, see things you cannot see, and think of things you cannot think. This is the right track of saving your marriage.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

While getting married might be easy, staying married may not always be that simple. However much you may love your spouse, there are bound to be trouble and misunderstandings along the way, which if ignored, may completely ruin the marriage. You may not know it, but you have to continuously work on the relationship, if you want to save your marriage. Efforts to save your marriage, however genuine they may be, mostly fail, because you may not have been consistent about it.

Therefore to ensure that your marriage remains on the right track, you have to go on adding value to the relationship. Here are some tips which can go a long way to save your marriage:

o Acknowledge the fact that to err is human. Believe in fair play and try to be as unbiased as possible during arguments or conflicts of views, etc. You may not always be right and you need to accept your shortcomings with humility. There is nothing to feel shy or 'small' in front of your spouse, if you want to save your marriage. Similarly, learn to pardon your spouse and do not make every mistake or shortcoming a big issue.

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To learn the killer, advanced strategies to save your marriage, simply click here!

o Never use the affection your spouse feels for you to blackmail him or her. This means that you are taking advantage of the love that exists and this can never save your marriage now or in the long run. Perhaps the biggest mistake you can make in your marriage is to take love and trust for granted. Once lost, both are nearly impossible to regain.

o Try and look forward most of the time. Inculcate this habit in your spouse too. There is no point in looking back with regret on any situation that has brought pain or trauma in the relationship. This habit of dwelling in the past can never save your marriage. On the contrary, it makes every one depressed. Look forward to the future positively and place implicit faith in your partner's ability. This is the only way you can hope to save your marriage now and in future.

o Avoid blaming your spouse for all the misfortunes affecting your life or your marriage. Remember, it takes both hands to clap. You are as much to be blamed as your partner when things go drastically wrong.

o Keep communication channels open al the time. Frank and free communication is the pillar to a successful marriage and to save your marriage, you should always feel free to communicate with your spouse on any issue, at any time.

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again.

You don't have to worry about whether your spouse is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make them fall hopelessly in love with you.


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Now you can stop your divorce or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit Stop Marriage Divorce

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.

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