95% of all decisions are made by feelings!
Force yourself to smile & you'll stop frowning. Force yourself to laugh and you'll find something to laugh about. Act enthusiastic and you'll soon feel so. A being causes his own feelings. The greatest joy there is in life is creating. Splurge on it!
To survive, the reasons are built in. To succeed when the pressure of surviving is gone, you need reasons of your own. If you don't have the need and the reasons to become successful, you won't.
How much energy am I are willing to expend to reach your goal. How many hours will I commit to my dream every week? What will I do?
How will completing this task reward me?
How will others regard me when they see I have reached a goal... my spouse, friends, family, coworkers and myself?
If other people don't expect great things from you, then you must expect great things from yourself.
If you are not where you want to be, it's because you don't have reasons. If you had reasons, you would do incredible things. You have intelligence, but not enough reasons.
If you bring new perspective to the table, you can have a huge impact on an entrenched industry.
Income will not exceed your personal development. Unless YOU change what/who you are, you'll always have what you've always gotten.
It is the excited customer that refers; it’s the excited business person who becomes a success! NOW get excited!
It takes effort to become aware of our abilities & become enthusiastic enough to continue when our results & “friends” tell us to give up. It takes effort to learn to love ourselves, especially when we are aware of our failures, doubts and tragedies.
Life is a game. Play to win.
Make YOU proud of YOU!
Most of our fears are unrealistic...don't let them stop you from doing what you want.
Move on. Don't let failure intimidate you. Keep doing. Life is constructed so you win some & lose some. That's the way it is. Accept it. If you win just slightly more than you lose, you'll be in good shape. Then all you have to do is increase the number of times you play.
No one is more appreciated than the individual who seeks job satisfaction through excellent performance and outstanding service.
Our charge is our self-worth.
People are attracted to you, not to your profession as a whole.
Plan a future that excites you. Designing your future = having goals. Defined goals are like a magnet, they pull you in their direction. The better you describe them & the harder you work them, the stronger they pull.
Shut the door on yesterday...today is a new day to grow.
Strong intention will get you where you want to go IF you INSTITUTE!
Tell others your goals, if they are true friends. THIS WILL OBLIGATE YOU TO ACCOMPLISH THEM.
The man who wins is the one who knows he can.
There are 2 ways to face the future: With Apprehension or Anticipation
To eliminate fear worry and anxiety, one must develop present time consciousness PTC.
To increase your business, your service and your income, you must improve and upgrade your "success consciousness".
TO SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF YOUR NEST OF CHICKEN POOP (attitude, friends, employees, gathering places, activities, clothing…)!
Visualize what you want… get a photo put up to emulate.
Voice Your Opinion In Print.
Volume is unlimited. IMAGINATION followed by ACTION is needed!
What has you turned off? Debt, home, car, vacations, your ability to give...? What can turn your possibilities on again?
What turns you on? Some people do well for the recognition. Some people do well for how it makes them feel. You may want to do well for your family. Whatever the reason, write it and move toward it.
What if you had to be an Executive Producer? The reason most people don't make it to Executive Producer is they don't have to!
You have to try "new things", and sometimes fail, until you ultimately SUCCEED.
Dr. Roy is a Dr. of Chiropractic in Wisconsin.
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