The Year of the Rabbit is here and it promises some big changes and some terrific opportunities!

Like all years, though, it also has its challenges.

But if you are prepared and put your remedies and enhancements in place, you'll do just fine. If you really make an effort, this could be the year you take BIG STEPS. That's because both men and women have some terrific energy to help you set a plan in place that could pay off for years!


Areas of Concern

Security and Safety First. This year it's more important than ever to stay on the side of caution -- and in every respect -- and for everyone in your family. Make sure you are thorough with contracts, read the fine print, check your credit card statements for fraudulent charges and do background checks on questionable people (single girls are you listening?). Don't take a smooth talker at his word.

Make sure to check locks, invest in a burglar alarm and don't go out alone at night. Make sure your family is safe, too. Make the kids wear their bike helmets, buckle up in the car, and be extra cautious about the oldest son. Risky sports and rough sports can bring injuries.

Watch your words. The 3 star in the career sector and the 2 star in the social sector of friends and the 7 star in the center all create a nasty triangle of bitter talk. Avoid gossip at all costs -- both personally and at work. You will get caught up in a "triangulation" of gossip at work and it will cost you even if you don't instigate it.

Friends can also be lost because of the 2 star and family relationships can be harmed by "cutting" words. Hold your tongue this year and count to ten. As a rule, it will be better to listen than speak...but that's good advice anytime, isn't it? But, it's especially true this year.

Health is a challenge. The 2 star flies to the south, the sector of the heart and eyes. Don't take symptoms of cardiac problems lightly. Make sure you take care of your heart and eyes this year. It's also a year for challenges across the board for health because of the 5 Yellow in the health sector.

Make sure you keep those annual appointments with the dentist and doctor. Don't put off any health symptoms that concern you because these could mushroom into a bigger problem. This is true for the whole family and for rabbits, in particular. Rabbit zodiac signs should be cautious about injuries by metal (i.e., car, sharp objects, etc.) and they should carry amulets to protect them. Trying to get pregnant? This is the year the pregnancy star is in the west sector so you have some cosmic help.

Areas for Growth

Career gains coming this year. There is good business potential in the education sector of the northeast. You can get ahead in the year by thinking strategically in business and by writing. Women in particular have the Lucky 4 star to help them get published, so submit those manuscripts and get that book done!

We also have good potential this year to get ahead by rubbing elbows with influential men, often called "noblemen." Ask those movers and shakers you know for advice and they may just mentor you or take you under their wing. If working overseas or developing business ties internationally has been on your radar this is the year to make money from afar!

Careers that show good promise include travel, technology, jewelry, psychics, mediums -- and feng shui consultants! How about that? Wanted to launch your career as a feng shui consultant? This is the year to do it. Women, in particular, can move ahead by writing and getting your name in print, sales, marketing, PR and through strategic connections with men.

Wealth potential from investments, men, and metals. Investments in metals, mining, and international stocks and funds will see strong growth. Make sure you seek out a financial advisor who can help direct your investments. Of course -- don't forget to check references! But men in 2011 can see some nice growth in income! That's a real bright spot in this rabbit year. Make sure you add a water fountain in the northwest sector where the water star has flown to for more great money-making chi!

Love gets a boost in 2011. You know what they say about rabbits right? Well, you might find that to be true this year. You might also find your honey hopping around, too. If you are in love, you and your sweetie might find this is the year to tie the knot or reignite those flames of passion. To give love a kick start be sure to activate this area with a crystal heart or a pair of love birds.

This year holds great promise for singles -- it's THE year when love energy falls in the love sector. Make the most of your relationship and recommit to it by scheduling date nights and romantic times, sweet touches like unexpected flowers or cards or a relaxing foot rub. You know what your sweetheart likes better than anyone, so amp up your romance meter and make those extra efforts. It will be rewarded -- and definitely appreciated.

Water is the missing element. Stress (particularly verbal stress) can run high this year. Health might be strained. That's why a vacation to the beach or lake is your best bet for relaxation. Water will soothe angry words and frayed nerves. Be sure to wear blue, carry a blue purse (for money energy!), and try to take time by water either with swimming, listening to a waterfall, or just staring at the ocean.

Author's Bio: 

© K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2011
Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "Easy Money - 3 Steps to Building Massive Wealth with Feng Shui" visit and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

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