If you have recently graduated from college, you probably feel as though you are on the threshold of starting a whole new phase of your life. Although change can sometimes be a little stressful and even scary, it can also be exciting and exhilarating. Just as is the case with all "new beginnings," basic feng shui principles can be used to help get your post-college life started out right. Here are a few basic tips you can follow that will help you transition from your life as a student to your life as a college graduate.

Clear Out the Old

Graduating from college is a great time to let go of some of the old things in your life, so that you have more room for the new experiences and challenges that you will soon be experiencing. Although you might have a tendency to want to hold on to things that remind you of your "college days," it's important to remember that even your possessions have energy. As a student, your textbooks and other education-related possessions held the kind of energy that you needed in order to learn. However, as a college graduate, you've already gleaned the useful energy from these items, and now it's time to move on.

Of course, there are undoubtedly some books and other reference materials that will continue to be useful to you which should be saved. However, keeping all your notebooks and other student-related materials will only serve to keep you connected with your past, instead of giving you the freedom to move forward with your new and exciting future. Save what you actually need, but don't be afraid to let go of the things that are no longer useful to you.

Separate Memories from Possessions

If you enjoyed the time you spent as a college student, you probably have a lot of memories that you want to hold on to. However, it can sometimes be difficult to mentally separate a memory from a useless possession. Although almost everyone saves a few objects simply because they are a reminder of positive memories, there really isn't a need to save every little thing. If you have boxes of items from college that you don't seem to be able to part with, you should set some time aside to go through these things carefully. As you pick up each item, ask yourself why you consider it important enough to keep. If the answer is simply because it reminds you of a pleasant memory, perhaps it would be better to save the memory without cluttering your life with the actual possession. Instead of saving box after box of college memorabilia, you could take photos of all your items and consolidate them into a single "college memories" scrapbook instead. Then, you could donate the actual items to charity, so that perhaps their energy could help other college students as they pursue their educational goals.

Revitalized and Renewed

Reducing clutter is not the only benefit you'll reap from ridding yourself of many of your college possession. Once you've gone through the process of letting go of these items, you'll probably feel energized, revitalized and renewed. As you let go of the old energy of your past, you are opening yourself up to the possibilities of the future. What better way to start your post-college life than to prepare yourself for new beginnings and challenges?

Author's Bio: 

Jessica Ackerman is a freelance writer and works for WallDecorandHomeAccents.com. She shares her wealth of knowledge on wrought iron wall grilles and decor.