Passing is a really key feature in FIFA 21, so In this tutorial, we list the 3 best passing tips in order to control the game and create goal-scoring opportunities without using FUT Coins

Decision Making

When it comes to passing, decision-making is a key thing. You will have multiple passing angles at a time which means multiple scenarios to work with. So before you pass you need to select the most efficient option. The efficiency is all about the future of the build-up. Once you pass the ball in the wrong direction, then you might be stuck in a position in which you end up losing the ball. That's why it's important that you decide to pass the ball to a player who will also have more opportunities to play with. So your game plan becomes less predictable. Try to pass the ball to more open spaces to players with multiple options and see the difference. Your opponent will have a hard time and this becomes a really strong weapon. 

Passing Direction

Passing is not just about capability but also choosing the right one at the right time, this is a real problem that most of the players face while passing around. Sometimes because of the intensity level of the game we do make rush decisions and try to pass the ball as fast as possible, this could lead to simple but serious mistakes that would prevent any positive outcome. Passing the ball into a direction you're not facing is the best example for that, you need to deliver the ball into a frontal direction, you're facing any other past in, that has an increased chance of failing either with bad direction or lower power.

This is the frontal angle, you can pass through, you have 90 degree angle towards the left and 90 degree angle towards the right, any path which extends that value should be considered as a wrong attempt. To be able to pass the ball into any direction you are not facing, you simply need to rotate your players so that your player has a new frontal angle. This could be simply done with your left stick or to be safe while their opponent is closing you down use the basic skill moves such as ball roll or fake shot to be able to get a different angle while you shield the ball away from the defender.

Attacker Movement

One of the most important things to pay attention to is that you know what the receiving player is doing before you pass the ball to him, he might be standing still or he might be starting a run. You can clearly understand it by taking a quick look at his body language. The automatic movement of the players most depends on the instructions you give them on a tactic's screen, but you can actually control specific individuals throughout the position by pressing l1 and r1. You can decide if a player makes a run or comes back the player affected by, this is the closest one which is faced by the player who is selected. So once you press the l1 button, the player you face starts to make a run the r1 button would cancel. This run and even make him come towards your selected player, so using those two buttons will give you control over the attacker movement and help you decide when you pass and where your player receives the ball. 

These are the top 3 best passing skills this year in FIFA 21 Ultimate Team. If you need cheap FIFA 21 Coins, welcome to visit utplay, we offer sufficient stock of FUT Coins and FUT 21 Coins with affordable price, fast delivery and best service!

Author's Bio: 

I am an author at selfgrowth