If you are having difficulties achieving your financial goals, you do want to read this article carefully. Ask yourself if the principles make sense for you and if yes, use them. Remind yourself frequently of them and you will be better equipped to achieve your financial goals. The principles stem from NLP, neuro-linguistic programming, a forty year old technology for achieving success. The three NLP principles are "You can model your way to success", "Having choices is better than not having choices", and "You have all the resources within you to achieve what you really want." Let me explain.
You can model your way to success.
That is good news. If you just find the right person(s) to follow, you will find the financial success that you are seeking. The person(s) is the operating keyword here. Everyone is different and you what works for me may not work for you. So you may seek out coaches, training material, ebooks, and still not find the success you need. But know that your search will end. When you find that missing piece of the puzzle, that last person you model, everything will fall into place for you.
Having choices is better than not having choices.
This is both about your choice of who you want to model and also about your personal flexibility. How willing are you to do what it takes to be financially successful. Now by this I do not mean willing to trample your other goals, like family or recreational goals. Within these constraints, how willing are you to follow a model to success. Can you decide that a certain activity will be enjoyable for you as long as it is ethical, legal and conforms with all your goals and principles? Can you learn to enjoy it? Are you willing to learn to do it well and enjoy the process? Well that is the hallmark of flexibility. And flexibility brings more choices. And more choices will bring more success for you, faster.
You have all the resources within you to achieve what you really want.
If you are going to achieve success that you want, then you are going to start exactly where you stand right now. There is no other point you can start from. So this is a message to always keep in mind. You either have the resource you will need or if you can name a resource that you do not have now, you can find a way to acquire or learn that resource. You have the capacity to do that. It is a statement of trust.
So now that you know the three inspirational NLP principles, go over them and memorize them. Whenever you are in doubt, recall that you can model your way to success, you are better off having more choices and being flexible, and you have all the resources you need. When a thought crosses your mind that is not in accordance with these principles, seriously question that thought. It may need to be disregarded or amended.
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