The Greek word “genealogia” refers to finding family history or tracing family heritage. The root of the word “genealogia” is “genea” which refers to a descendant or generation.

Genealogy as we know it today has come a very long way, but has been around for hundreds of years. Basically referring to the discovery of ancestry it contains considerable information relating to the history of the family.

You may be asking why it is so important to trace your family history or what the significance of recording details of your ancestors who have long since died might be.

The simplest answer to these questions would be this: “If your ancestors were never born, you would never have been born.” If you’ve ever asked the question “Who am I?” then finding family history or tracing your roots can provide some very important clues. You are undeniably linked to your ancestors. This link is a very personal one and can never be broken.

The old saying, “Blood is thicker than Water”, gains new relevance and meaning when understood in the context of genealogy. You ancestors may have lived on very distant shores that may seem very far from the life you now live, but there will always be a very tangible link that exists between you.

It can be very interesting to find the similarities that exist between you and your ancestors. This can range from the amusing, such as realizing you have your great-grandfather’s nose, to the more revealing when you realize many of your ancestors may have followed careers similar to your own.

As interesting as these similarities are, it can be just as interesting to find a few of significant differences. Your ancestors lived in very different times and led very different lives. You might have ancestors that lived in Wild West back when it was still “wild”. They may have come to the new world seeking their fortune or claiming land. Perhaps your ancestors where native to the country you now live or perhaps they came from far away. These are all very rewarding and relevant discoveries waiting to be made.

Finding Family History and reclaiming your heritage is a way of honoring those that came before, those who lived the lives they did so you can live the life you now live. Family tree secrets waiting to be revealed are there to be remembered. Your family tree is collecting these memories and passing them on the generations that will follow.

There are other (perhaps more practical) reasons to research your family tree, such as compiling a record of your family’s medical history. Know what medical conditions may be transmitted genetically can assist you making some very important lifestyle choices. If for example you realize that diabetes is prevalent in your family you may want to follow a lifestyle / diet that will reduce your risk becoming diabetic.

I may now be wondering where you should start and how are you suppose to track down medical records of ancestors who have may have died a long time ago.
Some if the clues may come from anecdote or stories told by surviving family members such as stories you grandparents may have told your parents and so on, but stories about medical conditions may be few and far between.

Most often the easiest way to collect some of this information may be found in newspaper archives, especially obituaries and death notices. Knowing the reason for your ancestors’ deaths may cause you to consider your own health a bit more carefully as well.

You can also conduct research on family history on a genealogy library in your community and others. Joining a genealogy association may also be an easy way to start since they often have a number of research tools that can assist in finding family history.

Genealogy websites can also help you with resources such as genealogy charts and online databases, but be very careful which one you place your faith in as there will often be a charge for using these resources. From personal experience I can say there are some really useful tools out there, but finding the right one can be a bit of minefield.

Always keep in mind why you’ve decided to research your genealogy and above all else enjoy every fulfilling step on this journey of discovery. Finding Family History is about you and honoring those that came before.

Author's Bio: 

Neil Human is a genealogy enthusiast, and enjoys helping others get started in this fascinating area of research. His newest book, "Family Tree Secrets," teaches you everything you need to know about researching and building your family tree while unlocking the secrets of your heritage. Go to for your Free Mini-Course "Ten Tips to Unearthing My Family History".