It is accepted to heed some first date tips especially if you have not gone out for quite a long time. As always, first dates are tough because you both want to create a positive impression. As much as you want to create a good impression, you are not a perfect person! There are first date deal breakers and it may totally ruin your chance for a second date.

Sloppy attire and poor hygiene. You can wear your favourite pair of jeans and a nice tee if you are going to have a date in one of those fast food restaurants. You may want to dress up a bit, like a clean pair of pants with buttoned shirt and a nice pair of clean shoes. Do not forget your good hygiene! A girl would not want to spend the rest of her night with a guy who didn't take a shower or forgot to use his deodorant. Make sure that you brush your teeth and take a shower before you meet your date for the first time. By the way, do not overdo your cologne.

If you are going to have a dinner on your first date, do not leave your table manners at home. Even if you are really hungry, do not eat like a pig and put too much food in your mouth. Do not forget what your parents taught you, never talk when your mouth is full. Never chew your food with your mouth open. When you are at the dining table, it is never acceptable to pick your nose, fart or burp loudly.

A good conversation will give you the chance to get to know each other better. You should not do all the talking, it should be a two-way street. Your date would not waste her entire evening listening to what you have to say about yourself. Make sure that you listen to what your date is saying in order to have a good conversation. Show interest in her and stop talking about yourself, or else she might want to kick you out of the door.

On the other hand, do not be such a bore too! As a guy, you should know how to keep the conversation flowing smoothly and easily. Do not ask questions that would make her feel that she is applying for a job. Give your date the impression that you are an interesting person.

Show your date that you are a gentleman. Your date would truly appreciate it if you will open the door for her, pull out a chair and offering your coat if she is cold. These niceties will be acknowledge by your date. A surefire way to ruin your first date is to act rude and ungentlemanly. Put your mobile phone in silent mode if you are out on a date. You should not check your mobile phone every few minutes because it will definitely be game over and your first date may be the last one too.

Do not be a show off by telling your date about the material possessions that you have. You will not impress your date by talking about your numerous cars but you would not even make an effort to pay for your bill. Your date would not believe that you have all these things, if you cannot even foot the bill. There is a huge possibility that she would tell her friends that you are a show-off and cheapskate. She might even try to avoid and hide from you after your first date.

Although your date may show signals that she wants you, do not rush into things. Frist date is not the appropriate time to talk about intimate stuff. It is best to save this type of topic on your succeeding dates. You would not want to give her the impression that you are a maniac; and she would end up calling her friend asking for help.

By following these first date guidelines, you are increasing your chance to have a second date. Generally, the things provided in this article are not part of the characteristics of any ideal guy. Do not promise to call her if you do not intend to.

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