Many professional energy healers and wholistic healing practitioners enjoy using crystals to enhance our healing practices. Each stone carries a vibration, and serves to extend our stamina as well as increase the specific potency of the healing session. The following five are basic, easy to find stones for even beginners and lay practitioners to start with if desired. The key is, of course, to come from a pure heart and clear, positive intention, coupled with the knowledge that you are serving as a conduit to Universal energy. You allow the Divine to flow through you, rather than attempting to use your own energy.
1. Clear Quartz: Easily obtained, and used in old school clocks! Clear quartz points are popular to use to focus and direct healing energy. Conveniently, it can be programmed for whatever purpose you desire, then cleared and reprogrammed when that purpose is complete. The variety of crystal programming methods include holding it between the palms and concentrating on intention for a few minutes. Clear quartz also lends well to wire-wrapping in jewelry and power piece creation.
2. Rose Quartz: This pink stone symbolizes and carries the energy of unconditional love. Rose quartz is also easy to find in raw or polished form. It’s pretty enough for jewelry making and powerful enough to pack a beautiful punch, as unconditional love is the Universal trump card. BAM! (Blessed and Multiplied)
3. Green Aventurine: This stone supports overall health, especially connected to the heart energy. I call it the Flintstone Vitamin of healing stones. Green aventurine makes a wonderful addition to any crystal medicine bag, wand, or crystal grid.
4. Citrine: This beautiful golden stone, whether raw, natural, heated, or polished carries the energetic charges of joy, abundance, and financial prosperity. Who wouldn’t love that? Citrine never needs cleansing, so is great for events, to enhance the environment for everyone. Place it on the table or in your pocket to have it close by.
5. Amethyst: The many forms of amethyst including light, dark, chevron, raw, polished, etc. are popular especially among those invested in spiritual development. Beautiful purple in a variety of shades and forms, its healing properties include supporting transitions, breaking old patterns all the way down to addiction level, and deep cellular healing all the way down to cancer level. BioMats containing amethyst chips have gained in popularity and credibility; many massage therapists use these to enhance their healing practices.
Countless crystals and stones can be found for minutely specific purposes, which of course change depending upon the practitioner’s style, and recipient of the healing. These basic five comprise a strong foundation for beginners as well as adepts.
Blessings on your journey!
Dr. Renee
T. Renee Richardson, DD, "The AmBadassador of Light!" author, “Try This at Home! A Four-Step Guide to Practical Intuitive Development,” author, “The No Brain, No Gain Fastkine Dating Guide for Men…,” author, “The B-Natural Self-Care & Maintenance Guide,” contributing author: upcoming “SoulFree,” and author of upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay!” metaphysical erotica collection, is a well respected, professional, potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers services via phone appointment for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Her dedication to her path and her accuracy, compassionate detachment, authenticity, positive attitude and sense of humor have made her a sought after healer recognized worldwide.
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