I got a hug from the person checking my luggage in for a flight.

My bag was 3 pounds overweight. I was given two choices. I could remove a few things or pay $75. I had a few copies of my book right on top. I pulled them out and put them on the counter. The baggage check lady looked at them and asked me how they could help her. I had her open it. She read the strategy on the page she opened to and started to cry.

I signed the book and handed it to her. She looked around quickly, walked over the scale, thanked me and gave me a hug.

You never know whom you will meet. You never know who needs your message.

I speak with clients all the time who tell me that they don't know what to say when they meet someone. Whenever they meet someone they know they're "supposed to" share their message, yet they keep quiet. They think, "Be polite, and don't step on toes. Don't be pushy." Yet, it's their message that the person they are speaking with is waiting to hear.

The truth is, if you don't share you can't help them.

I grant you that you don't want to be pushy. However, if you don't share, and share passionately the people who need you won't know you.

Many people feel uncomfortable sharing what they do. If that's you, then you won't be in business, you won't get clients, and you won't earn any money. It gets worse… the people who need your help and are waiting desperately for you won't get it.

Since you can't always pull three copies of your book out of an overweight suitcase, here are five ways you can you share your message with people in a way that's comfortable for you and not pushy.

1. Ask them what they do and listen to what they have to say. Ask them questions and be curious. Take the time to understand them.

2. Listen to your gut. Do you have a sense that you have something to offer them? If you do, say something along the lines of "I know a lot of other people in that situation. In fact, several of them are my clients. I would love to share a little about what I do and you can decide if it might help you too."

3. This is important, when you tell them about what you do make sure that you relate your products and services back to the specific issues they shared with you. Show them that you listened to them and truly understand what they told you.

4. When someone approaches you and asks you what you do, don't just say your title, instead share with them the problems your ideal clients have and the specific benefits they get working with you. Then, make sure to really get to know them and listen to them.

5. You must ASK! I can't stress how important this is. If you think you can help the person you are speaking with ask them to work with you. If the person you are speaking with is not your ideal client, then make sure to let them know who your ideal client is and ask them if any of their colleagues or friends could use your help and to put you in touch with them.

You can't help anyone unless they know that you are available to help. They can't read your mind. So go ahead and share your message. Not only will you deserve the hug you get it will make you smile!

Author's Bio: 

Carrie Greene is a speaker, trainer, coach and author of Chaos to Cash. She helps entrepreneurs cut through the confusion and chaos surrounding them so they make decisions, stop spinning and procrastinating and make more money. Free resources at http://www.CarrieThru.com and http://carriethru.com/programs/chaostocashbook/excerpt/