It is usually the case that many people walk into the gym, workout and repeat this sequence over and over again for weeks and months but look exactly the same! This is because they are performing the wrong things to lose weight and change their bodies. Some people stay at the gym for well over an hour! This is definitely taking too much of your daily time, and you are clearly not maximizing your return on efforts!

You have to understand that sometimes, less is more. Most people believe that the more work you can fit into an hour's worth of workout session, the greater the results. That assumption cannot be more wrong. By doing so, you will actually be wasting your time and may result in over training and injury as well.

You should understand the concept behind each of the exercises, and know which muscles you should visualize and feel is working out to complete the movement. You will want to perfect the techniques of some of the best exercises, and then make use of progressive overload for the same exercises to increase the intensity over time.

Also, do not make the mistake of becoming over zealous in the beginning and over train. Most often, when people decide to change their bodies once and for all, they get overly excited and train at an intensity or frequency which their bodies will not be able to take in the long run. Remember that changing your body requires a change in your lifestyle; not just a few weeks of hard work.

You will still need to put in hard work and push yourself more intensely each and every single workout session, but understand that your body also needs some rest. Only if your body gets sufficient rest after working out, then will it be able to become slimmer and stronger. Training every single day of the week is therefore not recommended. You should take at least one to two days off each week. Also, do not work the same muscle groups two days in a row.

Finally, you should also keep your workouts short; under 35 minutes each workout session. When you exercise for more than 45 minutes each time, the level of cortisol within your body increases rapidly, making you accumulate more fats very quickly on top of burning away your lean muscle mass. Keep your workouts short and intense, by keeping rest times short.

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Find out how to get thigh gap.

Also do learn the best arm exercises for women.