Acne is the most common skin problem affecting teens, and adults are not immune to it either. It is troublesome, difficult to cure, and something that nobody wants to deal with. So, just how do you get rid of? There are many ideas out there, but a few sure fire tricks have been scientifically tested and proven. This article will discuss some of them.

Buying an oil-free, dermatologist-approved moisturizer is essential for reducing acne. With the right oil-free moisturizer you can experience smooth skin without the side effect of additional acne. If you do not use an oil-free moisturizer, there is a much greater chance your pores will get clogged and, thus, lead to a breakout of acne.

Acne can be caused by dirt and germs transferred to your face via your hands. Hands are breeding grounds for various types of germs and then when you touch your face, these very germs get into your pores and cause acne pimples. Avoid touching your face to prevent this, or if you must touch your face, wash your hands thoroughly first.

Avoid spreading acne by not popping or forcing your pimples to drain. If you pop your pimples, you are spreading the very infection that causes the breakouts. This infection then spreads to other parts of your face causing more breakouts in more areas. Popping zits also can cause unnecessary redness, swelling and permanent scarring, so it's best to leave them be and let them go away on their own or with acne medication.

If you want to prevent your skin from breaking out, stay away from caffeine. Most people are very sensitive to caffeine and it causes their skin to break out. Even if you do not drink coffee, chances are you drink pop or energy drinks. These drinks contain a lot of caffeine: check the labels of the drinks you buy and avoid anything containing caffeine.

If you get acne easily, prevent the acne bacteria from spreading. This means washing your clothes and pillow cases regularly, but also avoiding contact with people who also have acne. Do not share a towel with anyone, and if you date someone with acne make sure to wash your face often and help them get rid of their acne.

Egg whites provide a great natural remedy to acne. Simply break an egg or two and separate the whites from the yolks. Lightly beat the whites until bubbles start forming. Apply the egg whites lightly to the skin as a mask or strictly to affected areas and let sit for about an hour, then rinse afterwards. The egg whites tighten skin and dries existing acne.

If you have any toothpaste lying around the house, try applying a dab directly to the site of a pimple. Toothpaste helps to dry your pimples out, and can be used as an overnight solution. Make sure that you apply in moderation, as too much toothpaste can irritate your skin.

Although energy drinks are very efficient to provide you with the extra kick that you need for your work day, they can contribute to acne. These drinks are filled with a plethora of sugar and caffeine, which can expedite the formation of acne and cause new pimples to form. Limit your energy drink intake to improve your skin.

Having a high amount of stress is something that can cause you get very bad acne. When you are under stress, you tend to not take care of yourself and your hormones get a little out of whack. All of this leads to acne. It is important to remember to breath deeply and try not to stress to much.

If over-the-counter treatments haven't improved your acne breakouts, a dermatologist can prescribe more advanced treatments. A cream that might be prescribed for you is Retin-A, which you apply to your skin daily. While effective for many patients, it's important to understand that it does take several weeks to achieve improvement.

Keep your face moisturized while using topical acne products. Most acne products contain ingredients that will dry out your skin. A gel-based moisturizer will work well for those with oily skin, whereas cream or lotion moisturizers work best for dry skin. Some skin types (such as a combination of oily and dry) find using more than one moisturizer achieves the greatest results.

An important tip to consider regarding acne is understanding exactly what it is and what causes it. This is important for prevention and for your own mental health, because acne is only partially due to your daily hygiene. Acne is caused when your oil glands become clogged. In addition to having dirty skin, having skin cells that shed in an uneven fashion can also cause acne.

An important tip to consider concerning acne is to know why pimples and acne swell and contain puss. This is important to know because these are healthy reactions, showing that your body is fighting the infection. The swelling is caused by a mass of white blood cells, and the white puss is the result of those white blood cells doing their job then dying off.

If you experience a lot of acne outbreaks near your mouth, you should stop using whitening toothpastes or other tooth-whitening products. The chemicals used for whitening teeth can irritate the skin and make it vulnerable to acne infection. Whitening toothpaste also contains abrasives that can damage the skin, accelerating the spread of acne.

An important tip to consider when concerning acne is that many things that were once considered to cause acne to occur are not related. This is important to know because one of the widest believed conditions that could cause acne was stress. While stress does not directly cause acne, it may trigger more oil release that could potentially cause more acne.

In this article, we have reviewed a few scientifically proven tips for dealing with an acne break out. You may have to try several before finding what works for you, but a sure fire cure is not out of reach if you remain persistent. Follow these tips we have provided to find the ones that work for you.

Author's Bio: 

Began blogging and working online almost 2 years ago in hopes that one day it will become a fulltime living.