Ayurveda places a special emphasis on a diet (ahaar), the food we eat. According to Ayurveda, what you eat impacts your overall health, which involves your physical, mental and social well-being. The Ayurvedic aspect says that the food we eat is directly looked up to as an offering to agni (fire, the human body is a complex of 5 primary elements- water, space, air, earth, and fire). You can either nourish your agni by eating right or smother or weaken your fire by eating a virrudha Aahar or incompatible diet.

Unhealthy eating can bring some severe health complications like- obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol level, which are can bring many chronic health ailments to your body.

Chronic Kidney Disease Ayurvedic Treatment

Talking about health problems, kidney-related problems are at full force in India, with an estimated prevalence of 17%. The bad thing is the numbers don't seem to be slowing down right now, which is alarming.

If you're reading this, then the chances are that you'll survive this CKD (chronic kidney disease) outbreak which chokes millions of lives every year. This article is composed of four important takeaways you should know about kidney problems, which will help you maintain your kidneys' robustness throughout your life.

Let's take a bigger picture of the term "Kidney disease" before we get to the solution.

What is kidney disease?

Kidney diseases are of different types and affect differently to your kidneys' functioning. This problem occurs when your kidneys temporarily or permanently stop working as they should. There are some renal ailments that can be cured with routine medications, while there are some which require intensive care and prompt medication to reverse your kidneys' functioning.

Kidney diseases are categorized into two different types which are-

Acute kidney disease (AKD)

This problem occurs when your kidneys suddenly stop working or lose their ability to purify your blood from excessive salts, chemical toxins, and fluids that are required to be expelled outside from your body in time. Blood purification is a core process of your kidneys' functioning. If your blood is left unfiltered, it can bring some serious health problems like- high blood pressure, heart attack, brain tumor, stroke, etc. Get best Acute kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda online in delhi

Chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Chronic kidney disease is a common renal ailment in which your kidneys gradually lose their ability to purify the blood from chemical toxins, salts, and other excessive fluids, which are no more required inside the body. CKD in the early stages is hard to get noticed because it usually takes a certain period to grow and only comes up with the visible signs when your kidneys' health worsens with time. Type 1 or type 2 diabetes or high blood pressures are the primary divers who can affect your kidneys' functioning if not controlled in time.

What are the symptoms of kidney diseases?

People afflicted by any kidney problems have never experienced any sign or symptom at an early stage. However; you may experience some visible symptoms after few months, which may include the following-

  • Blood in urine
  • Itchy and dry skin
  • Feeling sick
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Having trouble catching breath
  • Loss of appetite
  • Having frequent urges to pass urine
  • Erectile dysfunction in men
  • Loss of sex drive

It's worth consulting the doctor if you feel any of the following symptoms in your health. Kidney disease if detected can be cured with the right treatment. If left untreated can bring some chronic health problems, which can even be life-threatening.

What are the causes of kidney disease?

There are many conditions, diseases, and agents who can contribute to impairing your kidneys' functioning; they may include the following-

  • If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • If you have had polycystic kidney disease
  • If you underwent renal injury
  • Obstruction in the urinary tract due to an enlarged prostate, kidney stones, or cancer.
  • Smoking
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Abnormal kidney structure by birth
  • If you have a long family history of kidney disease.

Diet of kidney patients

Kidney diseases can bring some radical lifestyle and dietary changes. Therefore it's relevant to be apprehensive about your diet, as it said, "Prevention is better than a cure." The life of kidney patients is quite challenging; they have to compromise their taste buds and have to follow a strict kidney-friendly diet to induce less pressure on their kidneys. The dietary restriction also depends on the stage of kidney dysfunction. For example, at an early stage of CKD, people have to undergo some mild or no dietary changes than those at end-stage renal disease.

A kidney-friendly diet is a complex of limiting the amount of sodium and potassium up to 2,000 mg per day and limiting the amount of phosphorus to 800-1000 mg per day.

Important takeaways for healthy and strong kidneys

Here we are on to the main highlight of today's article! This section has some key takeaways that will help you maintain the robustness of your kidneys throughout your life and save you from many chronic renal problems that can majorly affect your life.

Hydrate, but don't overdo it

Indeed having high water content enhances your kidney functioning. Contrary to the popular myth, no studies have confirmed that over-hydration of more than six glasses a day won't make your kidneys any better to do their job. Drinking water will prevent problems like kidney stones and UTIs from occurring in the urinary system.

Quit smoking

One drug of a cigarette has thousands of additive harmful chemicals which can affect your body in many ways. The chemicals we inhale while smoking can damage our small blood vessels, which can interfere with the blood supply to your heart and other vital organs of your body. This act can bring several health problems like lung cancer, heart attack, mouth cancer, stroke, and kidney failure.

Eat right

According to the research, people who are overweight or obese are at higher risk of losing their kidneys. Eating junk food or virrudh aaahar can aggravate your pitta dosha, bringing some chronic kidney problems like- kidney stones and kidney cyst.

Use caution with oral supplements

Excessive ingestion of oral supplements can be harmful to your kidneys. Oral supplements are high in protein that can make your kidneys work harder to flush it out from your body.

Disclaimer: Chronic kidney dysfunction is a common renal ailment required to be chewed down with the right treatment in time before it starts affecting your life. It's advised that you do not make any changes in your diet or schedule without considering your doctor.

Author's Bio: 

When the kidneys have diminished function, they are unable to regulate electrolytes, including potassium, from the blood. So, it is important to be on a potassium-restricted diet during CKD to prevent further complications from potassium buildup.