In our non-stop, on-the-go world, today’s singles are challenged to find lasting, loving relationships and the calm, peace and security that come with it. Many of them have tried and failed in their pursuit, and some may be on the brink of giving up on meeting Mr. or Miss Right. However, a Certified Singles Relationship Coach can provide the solutions they need to get back in the game and score big in love!
Love. Isn’t that what every single man or woman, young or old, is searching for? So, how can you, the coach, demystify the process of looking for a “soul mate” and create an atmosphere for developing and maintaining a healthy relationship – one that lasts? Well, let’s look at a few of the areas singles struggle with and lay out some ground rules for finding a suitable companion.
First, many singles have difficulty re-building confidence after many unsuccessful attempts dating, or after a divorce. You can provide helpful guidance through structured coaching sessions and engaging your clients in various exercises that will enable them to increase their self-esteem and feelings of worthiness. You can also help them overcome negative self-talk that sabotages their efforts.
Secondly, singles need to be coached in deepening their understanding of themselves first – that means focusing on their desires, vision and values in life, short-and long-term goals, and emotional and relationship needs, for example. One should not attempt to start looking for a partner without giving substantial thought to the issues that matter most to them. Any standards by which a single chooses to select a mate should be reflective of their individual purpose, principles and belief systems.
Thirdly, emphasize the importance of moving slowly in getting to know the other person. Most singles will try to speed things up to get to the next level. They will either spend too little time developing the relationship, or skip crucial steps altogether. There’s no better way to sabotage a relationship than to hasten love before you have had time to thoroughly determine whether you have great compatibility. Remember, there is no ‘emergency’ when it comes to getting to know someone. Time is on your side as a single, and it pays to take all the time you need to get to know the person you are dating. Time has a habit of revealing all – both the good and the bad!
With so much at stake, you can clearly see the significance of the coach’s role. Learn the crucial skills you need to master and you will end up with happy, satisfied clients. The good news is that singles are fun and probably the easiest of all clients to work with. Once they fully comprehend the coaching process, they tend to be very committed to finding the “perfect” partner and doing whatever it takes to make that happen.
A trained Singles Relationship Coach has all the keys to unlock the mystery of dating and romantic fulfillment. As you connect deeply with your clients, you can bring these single men and women back from despair and offer them hope and encouragement in their current and future relationships. By using your knowledge and the proper tools and skills, you will help singles of all ages discover ways to improve their relationships and achieve the results they desire!
One important point to keep in mind: coaching is an intangible service and most people have no experience being coached -- singles included. They do not understand how it works and may be unaware of how it might even benefit them. Before you try to sell them coaching, you will need to show them that you understand their biggest challenges and have the answers and key strategies for their most pressing issues.
In order to accomplish this, first you will need to have a comprehensive understanding of the Singles’ market. A good coach training school will adequately prepare you with this knowledge and create a foundation that will lead you to a rewarding career.
If you aren’t already a trained and certified Singles Coach, you can learn more about Impact Coaching Academy’s Singles Relationship Coach training course here.
Frankie Doiron is the Founder and CEO of Impact Coaching Academy. She has been a leader in the coaching industry for over 10 years. She understands the needs of those people interested in training to be a coach, as well as coaches who are new or experienced in the profession. She has the expertise and desire needed to identify solutions designed to help coaches achieve the success they want and deserve. For more information, please visit Impact Coaching Academy's website.
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