There is an old rule:
The one who stays silent is criticised.
The one who talks too much is also criticised.
Even the one who speaks only a little is criticised.
There is no-one in the world who is never criticised.

Dhammapada: verse 227

Criticism is a part of our life, whether we give it or receive it, it is always there. For the one who gives it, it is a way to show power and control, for the one who receives it is a humiliation. However, it is a fact of life and no matter who we are or what we do, as long as we have life we will always be in the place to receive it.
The Buddha was often criticised by others, and I have even heard my own teacher criticised on occasion. Although it was a shock for me to hear such things, it was a good and clear lesson – look at the one making the comment before reacting. What is the origin of this remark?
Ignorance and suffering are part of the unenlightened human condition. When they are present all unkind and cruel things are possible. Even with good intentions, without wisdom and love there will always be a ‘self’, an ego making its presence felt in the world. Here the endless continuation of personal competition, judgement and comment on the lives and actions of others will show itself at every available opportunity.
Even in a Dhamma relationship, people often don’t want to hear the truth of a situation, they want only another reinforcement of their own views and opinions. For them this may seem to confirm and make more secure their place in the world, but in reality it is only another door of liberation closing.
The purpose of Dhamma training is not like this.
All the true masters remind us to look at ourselves before we judge others, and in fact the greatest teaching is to let go of judgement altogether.
Our responsibilities as disciples of Dhamma is to go past the predominantly fear orientated mind, the part of us that needs to control and manipulate the world and everything in it, and realise the place of perfect peace. In this place we can allow things to be as they are and not be influenced or involved in the unenlightened words and actions of others.

Beings are the way they are, that is their choice,
but you are the way you are, and that is your choice.

Here the world is as it is and we, from our position of love and wisdom, live easily and happily with our kamma. Seeing life without judgement and criticism and being able to accept and enjoy those things we like and approve of, whilst also accepting peacefully the other more difficult situations for us such as killing, cruelty and the outspoken opinions of others.
In the end we have to look with compassion at the one making the unkind or cutting remark and offer our Loving Kindness. In the end, all unkindness in the world comes only from a lack of love.
Without love, a life is truly empty and makes only the sound of a drum beaten by a child.

The one who always finds fault with others
will allow their own faults to grow
and so always be far from peace.

Dhammapada: verse 253

May all beings be happy

Author's Bio: 

Michael Kewley is the former Buddhist monk, Paññadipa, and now an internationally acclaimed Master of Dhamma, presenting courses and meditation retreats throughout the world. For many years he was the guiding teacher at the International Meditation Centre, Budh Gaya, India and is the founder of the Pure Dhamma tradition of spiritual awakening.
A disciple of the late Sayadaw Rewata Dhamma, he teaches solely on the instruction of his own Master, to share the Dhamma, in the spirit of the Buddha, so that all beings might benefit. On 26th May 2002 during a special ceremony at the Dhamma Talaka Temple in England he was awarded the title of Dhammachariya.
Full biography of Michael Kewley can be found at: