Opening our hearts to live and love to our fullest potential may not be as easy as it sounds. Many people have been hurt so deeply, that this pain closes us down in such a way that we cut ourselves off from fully feeling. Knowingly or unknowingly we build walls around ourselves that harden our hearts. However, we can crack the shell around the hardened heart in many different ways: yoga, meditation, spiritual practices, dance, music awaken ourselves to the connectivity we can all share.
As a yoga instructor and a human being who has had her share of life knocks, I find yoga and meditation my modality of freedom in my heart. Yoga moves the body in various positions to bring awareness into those body patterns we never even realized existed! We breathe into areas of holding, tension and tightness to bring a new sense of spaciousness in, we learn to breathe in Light. When are feel lighter in our hearts and minds, we can begin to sit with ourselves more comfortably. And when we can sit with ourselves, there is an opportunity to experience more and more of what life has to offer and of what we have to offer life!
“The Gathering, A Spiritual Woodstock”, is an event designed to guide us into a state of awakening. What is awakening? We hear this expression all the time, but when you sit with it, what does it mean for you? When I sit with this contemplation, I feel it means I become full: of love. I begin to live passionately according to my own truth! I remove those “masks” that I wear on a daily basis for work, my family, my friends and I peel away layers of self that no longer serve my higher life’s purpose. It’s quite freeing! It’s blissful! Without the worry of what people may be thinking of me, I create a deeper sense of stillness within myself. When I can let go of stress and sit with myself within this stillness, I feel a merging of myself with all that is. I feel connected not only to myself but to the whole pulsation of life. I become that pulse!
We continue to be bombarded with the shifts that 2012 is said to bring. I can feel life shifting right now! It is a moment to moment continuum. Can you feel it? The essence of life is that consistency of change, that transformation. We don’t need to cultivate a spiritual practice! When we live live consciously, that is our spiritual practice. To wake up and live life is our practice! “The Gathering” is a collective platform in which we can share this space together. The goal is to bring together as many people as possible to one forum of experience where we can listen to teachers who are living examples of this awakened state of being. We can learn from them, we can sit together, eat organic, vegetarian food together, dance together, meditate together and together we will raise each other to the point of recognition of our True Nature.
When people of like minds gather together with the same intention, the power that is created is palpable. It can actually be felt! We CAN raise our own vibration to live in higher states of being! It is said, when only 1% of the worlds population puts the same intention forth, it can change the collective thinking of the rest of the human population. The goal of “The Gathering” is to do just that-raise global consciousness!
So many people are crying out for change! Change for freedom, cleaner organic food and drinking water, social justice, support, love, peace and safe-keeping of our environment and the dwellers within it. Why should we continue to feel victimized, imprisoned and unheard in our own communities? The world is coming together as ONE! The internet is the vehicle that allows our voices to be heard from one country to the next! It is the internet that connects us so we can hear and see each other! It’s the internet that we use to call out to you who are reading this and feeling ready to be the change!
However, the internet can only get us so far! We hear and feel the need! Now it is time for us to Gather together as peaceful warriors of our birth right which is freedom of our heart, to AWAKEN our souls, to become free from the bounds that are placed on us, that we place upon ourselves. We have been told for so long we can’t! But WE CAN!!We are not disempowered! The power of awakening can ignite like a flame, like a contagion, that will spread worldwide if we make that choice!
Karuna DiLibero works for Zoxon International Spiritual Federation to promote the historic weeklong event called, The Gathering, A Spiritual Woodstock, which is designed to bring people to the point of Self Awareness! We are dedicated to the spiritual evolution of all humans so that we can make our world a healthier, more loving place in which to live! Karuna has been an instructor of yoga since 1998 and is still loving every minute of it! She is a lover of magic, nature, photography, outdoor sports and is a life enthusiast!
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