Throughout history, those living above the ordinary, those exceptional, auspicious individuals who have been fortunate enough to have developed their talent and creative ability-have enlisted the help of coaches. Why? Coaches help them to stay on top of their game. High achievers recognize they need someone who is objective in their point of view, have the ability to recognize patterns of mistakes, and also keep them motivated-to stay clear, focused, sharp, and always moving forward. Life Coaching has gone mainstream simply because everyday people want the same results in their own personal life giving them the ability to lives the best life then can-and they want it in a shorter period of time.

It's for healthy people who want to align themselves with someone who will guide them through self discovery, client generated strategies and solutions, and accountability for achieving goals. It is not therapy or counseling. The focus is not on past issues, past experiences, or past behaviors-but rather a focused pragmatic, forward thinking way to help achieve goals and create harmony and balance in life. It's not necessary to know why there is a particular behavior; all that's necessary is to know what's going to be done to change it.

The power of goal setting is released when it is written down and specifically describes the goal in detail. The most important component is the date. If there is no date, there is no goal! It makes the goal measurable and puts the responsibility on the goal setter who is also being held accountable to it. Next, the obstacles and action steps follow. Goal setting is a skill that can be learned-just like learning to ride a bike or typing on a keyboard.

Goal life coaching will help you get to solutions that will move you from the past and into the present where the awareness of opportunities and possibilities will allow you to be the author of your own future life story.

Author's Bio: 

Donna McGoff believes that all the answers are inside each of us; her coaching moves the discovery to them more quickly. Visit her website, to find out about E-Moving Forward Free Session. Sign Up For Free Monthly Parenting Newsletter along with parenting resources. She believes in building confidence, building better communication, and building stronger relationships to becoming a more effective parent.