Weddings are a perfect opportunity for speeches commending the bride and groom on their beginning journey as partners for life. While many people shy away from speeches and public speaking in every day life, traditionally, speeches are an important aspect of weddings. The Maid of Honor and the Best Man usually do the honors in congratulating the newlyweds, be it with a funny anecdote, or heartfelt wishes for the two of them. However, family members can also play an active role in public speeches if they so wish. If the grandmother of the bride has a special connection to the bride, be it she raised her or is really close to her, she can opt to give a speech. There are a few guidelines and tops to help the grandmother of the bride prepare a speech for the wedding day.

Give ContextOne of the most important things to include in a grandmother of the bride wedding speech is the context. Explain that special connection that you have with the bride and why it is so important for you to share your thoughts on this day. While the bride may know, the other guests need to be brought in on this bond so that the wedding speech is not lost to them. It is also nice to express how much this bond means to you so the bride may feel that love on her special day.

Stick to Warm ThoughtsAs the main speeches at wedding receptions are reserved for the Maid of Honor and Best Man, it is a good idea to leave those traditional speeches to do all the funny jokes about the bride and groom. Keeping your speech heartfelt and warm will allow the guests to focus back on what is important: showering the newlyweds with love and well wishes. You do not want the speeches to turn into a bride and groom comedic roast. However, keep your personality in mind. If you are a silly grandmother and share that funny style with your family, then allow it to shine through, but remember that love is the central focus of the event.

Keep it Simple. A short sweet speech is much easily remembered than a long speech without a specific goal. Decide what is the most important thing you want to leave behind to the bride, be it advice, congratulations, or a memory she can forever keep. Do not blur the message with long examples or mention every person in the family by name. Instead, opt for two or three key pieces of advice you want to leave her with and how it can prove useful to her. Remember to close with an affectionate congratulations, and before you know it, you have an amazing wedding speech.

Overall, pay attention to what it is you want to say and how you want to say it. Some would opt to read their speech and others would prefer to memorize it. Whichever way you go about it, taking the time to prepare a sentiment to the bride and groom on their wedding day is something they can appreciate immensely, as well as give them valuable advice for the years ahead.

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