There are times that the “enlightened" among us take great satisfaction when we notice that others are sucked into the dualistic ideas of fear, lack and loss! I was talking to someone close to me the other day. She expressed her anger at hearing the traditional Christian preaching of Hell and Brimstone!

To understand her position you might need to understand her journey. She was a person that spent many years believing in fear from the vulnerability to lack and loss. There came a time in her life she began to question this belief. She began her journey away from the traditional Christian view with the writings of Don Miguel Ruiz, Gary Renard and Robert Scheinfeld. She made a close study of Religious Science. Through me she also was exposed to Zen and A Course in Miracles. In other words she began to question the dualistic constructs of her Mind and move towards a greater understanding of the Non-Dualistic reality of her true nature.

Now, when she hears this teaching of sin and punishment, it no longer draws her in, it repels her! She thinks about her newly won since of peace. She thinks of how this condemnatory preaching is! She is angry that others will be lead, as she once was, away for this peaceful acceptances of the Oneness with God that she now knows is true! How outrageous that a person who claims to follow Christ’s teachings would spread fear in God’s name!

I knew what she meant!

One of the foundational facts of Non-Dual thought is that this world is an illusion or as I prefer to express it, our experience of life in this world is not the experience of what is true! This is a strange, yet compellingly powerful, idea that do not want to sidetrack for, at this point. For now, just accept that it is not New Age but an ancient idea that Modern Quantum physics has “discovered” within the last forty years (See David Bohm)!

The ego-Mind wants it, SO:

It is real!

She didn’t laugh

She wants to Kill the ego-mind!

The mind

She didn’t really want to let the ego go

Ego is threatened

Ego convinces you that you are this ego

Ego gets you to defend IT by convincing you that you are threatened!

So without trying to convince you that you are not your ego, understand that you are afraid of redemption.

Gratitude for the opportunity to uncover the mind clinging to the lie

Author's Bio: 

I have been a student of A Course In Miracles for over 30 years. I currently lead the Course In Miracles Meeting Group for the Center for Consciousness Living in Moorestown NJ. I currently have a blog that brings Non-Dual Thought to practice in everyday life-