Many entrepreneurs struggle with the basics getting started with a home business. They have the drive, ambition and creativeness but lack the organizational skills required. As you begin your journey down the entrepreneurial path, keep in mind that while you are your own boss, and are accountable to only you, if you don't spend your time being productive you will fall the wayside along with the other 97% of entrepreneurs that begin this journey.

Take the time to form habits. Get yourself in a routine. While this may seem monotonous, it's a requirement for success with a home business as with any other business. Plan your work, work your plan! And stick with it daily. There are basic habits which need to be repeated daily. We will discuss these in the following paragraphs.

Habit 1: GOAL SETTING. Establish your long-term (5-10yr) goals and your short-term (90-120day) goals. Review these daily. Look at these goals each morning and each evening. You may need to adjust them as your business develops, you reach a goal, or your priorities change. Regardless of how often your goals change, make sure to look at them each day to remind yourself of your purpose.

Habit 2: LEAD GENERATION. Each day you must perform lead generation activity (regardless of form). Without leads, you have no business. How are you going to generate leads- articles, press releases, blogs, ppc, banner ads, postcards, etc.? You must layout your strategy and work it. Which methods you use will vary greatly depending on budget, knowledge and comfort. Start with one or two and master those methods. Monetize and optimize the initial methods until you are producing the number of leads you need to reach your goals. After those are successful, add another method for generating leads so that you continue to build your pipeline.

Habit 3: IMPROVE LEADERSHIP SKILLS. You must become the leader that people are looking for. Each day set time aside to improve your leadership skills. People are looking for leaders and will follow you if they believe you bring value to them. Acting as the expert and providing guidance are good qualities of a leader. Take ownership.

Habit 4: SELF DEVELOPMENT SKILLS. Learning is a never ending task for those that are successful. It is that constant need for self-improvement that drives us to continue learning and mastering our skills. Each day, read or listen to a tape or video, to strengthen your individuality. We all have room for improvement and always feel better about ourselves when we advance, even if it is a small step.

Habit 5: MANAGEMENT OF TIME. So many people say you need time management skills but in essesnce, you simply need to learn to manage time. Set a schedule and stick with it! Time is not replaceable so use it wisely. Prepare a daily, weekly and monthly schedule. Take a few minutes each night to outline the next days objectives and then work through the outline! Spend your time on revenue-generating activity.

Habit 6: TAKE ACTION. This is most important. If you do not take action, nothing can be accomplished. People will not flock to someone who does not show them the way. Don't let obstacles get in your way, take them down. With determination, you can accomplish anything. The difference between the top 3% and the unsuccessful 97% lies within this habit. What action did you take today to move yourself closer to achieving your goals?

Habit 7: FINE TUNING. Always be refining your skills, continue learning and keep yourself ahead of the curve. Everyone progresses at a different pace, make sure you are on the fast track for you.

Habit 8: REJUVANATE YOURSELF. Take time to relax and have fun. Life is for the living. It is important to spend time with family and friends. Take five minutes every hour to get some fresh air, walk around the yard. Enjoy the outdoors, spend time reading. Do want you enjoy!

Following these simple habits each day will help you to accomplish your dreams and ambitions. Your home business will be a success!

To Your Success!
Ann Shipley

Author's Bio: 

Ann Shipley is the Co-Founder and President of Dreams2Wealth Enterprises, LLC. Ann left corporate America as a Sales Executive to pursue helping others obtain the necessary knowledge and opportunities to take control of their financial independence.
As a single mother of two boys, the idea of working from home appealed to Ann. Establishing Dreams2Wealth Enterprises was the perfect solution. A direct sales network marketing business opportunity allows Ann to work from home and still be available for her children. Family is important to Ann.
As an entrepreneur, Shipley is looking to help others establish their financial independence through the same means she has accomplished. Shipley's company provided individuals with the necessary educational products and guidance to regain control of their finances. As confidence builds within each client, their ability to create wealth opportunities for themselves is enhanced.
For relaxation, Shipley enjoys traveling, hunting, camping, gardening and cooking. Something members of her family also share.