A hand held massager is a great alternative to the more traditional practice of using a professional massage therapist. The Health Connection self massager is designed for easy use with a long handle shaped for the contours of your body allowing you to? Ease pain, stress, tightness and fatigue from your muscles and system.

Rising popularity of self massage:

Massage therapists are great, and they certainly have their place, but not everyone has the time or money to see them regularly. This is especially true for those busy people whose jobs and work schedule generates a lot of the stress and tension that demands repeated massage therapy.

Even if cost is not an issue, there are still many instances when self massage comes in handy. For example, if you are home late at night before bedtime and have some aches and pains, a massage therapist may not be available. However, you can perform self massage at any time. A hand held massager allows you to? Help yourself without having to suffer through a painful night waiting for relief sometime the next day.

Massage stimulates blood circulation into muscles helping to relieve tension and promote healing. The added warmth generated by massage?helps in relieving aches and pains. Massage also relaxes the body overall as one experiences a marked reduction in stress and fatigue. The soothing feeling of massage calms the body and can help in restoring you to your natural state.

After a good massage, many people enjoy a restful sleep. For many, massage is essential in allowing them to recover after particularly difficult workloads or other demanding situations. Massage has also been used in physical therapy treatments to help those recovering from injury or illness.

Benefits of a hand held massager:

The Health Connection hand held massager uses specially-designed features to gently massage your entire body. There are 14 settings available, including optional heat,? that allow you to choose the level of muscle penetration. The two pivoting silicon rubber heads can work at up to 3000 pulses per minute.

Every part of the body can benefit from the healing and energising effects of this hand held massager.

If a professional massage therapist is too expensive or inconvenient, or you just need something extra for your self massage routine, this hand held massager is a great option.

Copyright © 2009

Author's Bio: 

Health Connection sells a unique hand held massager, designed specifically for use on horses. We also provide Equine Massage therapy, body massager, foot massager, back massager & much more in UK.