Creating a hardgainers weight lifting program is a great way to keep on target with your muscle building goals if you are a skinny guy who finds bulking up difficult. It is amusing to call is a hardgainers program though as this can be useful to anyone trying to get big and ripped but hardgainers need to follow it much more closely than others who are more genetically gifted at muscle growth.

Here are some tips you need to know to construct a routine through the weeks that will maximize muscle growth for your entire body with the least amount of effort too. Sounds too good to be true? Read on to find out why!

1. The Three Set Max Rule

This may not be a hard and fast rule but it is what I use to guide my workouts. The idea is that you do two warm up sets of about twelve reps each before failure and then follow it up with an all out set with an increased load so you can do a maximum of about eight reps. After this, you move on to a new exercise target a new muscle group.
The reason for this is that this will have sparked the reasons for muscle growth in those muscles so you do not NEED to punish those muscles further as they are primed to get bigger. This is because when you lift heavier weights and really challenge your strength you actually cause many small tears in the muscle fibers from the extreme stress you place it under. These tears when healed by the body also have additional muscle built on top of them almost like scar tissue which is how muscle grows.
What this means is that you do not need to do hundreds of reps or many sets on the same muscle group. Just cause that intentional muscular damage then move on.

2. Forget Isolation Exercises

Some may balk at this but the reason is primarily for safety. Fixed machines that force you to isolate muscles are responsible for many injuries people suffer in the gym because it restricts your range of motion in an unhealthy way and you also do not gain the benefit of doing an exercise that will recruit power from other surrounding muscles which is a better workout anyway.
Free weights and cable type machines that do not restrict YOUR natural range of movement is better for building more muscle and safer.

3. Work the Whole Body

While you may be very keen to increase the size of your biceps or your chest this often leads to joint and muscle damage as you over train those areas. Continuing to exercise a single body part does not get it to grow that much bigger either and you end up wasting a lot of time and energy. Besides, a proportional body is much more attractive and stronger overall.
So leave the idea of doing a single body part per day by the wayside. Using the three set max rule this should be easy too as you will have time to exercise a wide range of muscles and spark muscle growth in them all.

4. More Stretching Time

This is a lot more important than most people think. Just a few warm-up stretches may not be enough to really get the benefit of a good workout and may not protect your from injury also.
If you stretch regularly you can increase your range of motion in your joints but you can also lengthen your muscles which can give you more strength and muscles anyway. If it also a good idea to stretch between sets as this increases the blood flow through the muscle which also aides in muscle growth during your hardgainer weight lifting program.

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For more information on hardgainer weight lifting programs along with what you need to know meal plans, dietary needs, recovery tips and many more items you need to know to build a bigger, buffer body click below.

Skinny to Muscle