Overbites are a dental condition where your jaw becomes misaligned and forces your teeth to sit more forward in your mouth than normal. To determine if you have an overbite, bite down like you normally would and look at your teeth in a mirror. If your front teeth even partially cover any of your lower teeth, then you have an overbite.

Having any form of overbite is incredibly common condition and this causes many people assume that they do not cause any ill dental or health effects. The truth is there are a number of problems that an untreated overbite can cause.

Overbites are fixable, but it can be difficult determining if you truly need to have it corrected. If you are experiencing any of the following issues and have any form of overbite, you might want to consult with an expert to plan a course of action.

Tooth Decay

When you have an overbite, your upper teeth do not sit naturally flat on your lower teeth. When you chew or bite down with an overbite, you slide and grind your teeth against each other. This can damage your teeth enamel slowly over time, making them susceptible to decay and cavities.

Sleep Apnea

For those of you with sleep apnea, having an overbite can make your sleep at night even worse. Having one part of your jaw sitting over the other part can cause your mouth, throat, and air passage to get smaller, making it even more difficult for those who already struggle because of sleep apnea.

Sore Jaw

Millions of people every year suffer from face and jaw pain daily. While there are many causes of jaw pain, having an overbite is one of the common reasons. Anytime human joint or bones become misaligned they cause chronic pain and the jaw is no different. As you keep talking, eating, and breathing with the overbite, the pain might increase slowly over time if you do not seek proper care.

Gum Pains

As with your teeth, the rubbing and friction caused by a misaligned jaw can also damage your gums. If your overbite is severe enough, it can cause your lower teeth to scrape against the gum lining behind your upper teeth. The longer your teeth rub against your gums, the more prone your gums are to pain, disease, and decay.

Taking care of your teeth, gums, and jaw is so important in having a healthy mouth and overall healthy life. Even if you do not have any pains or annoyances caused by your overbite, it is still wise to consult with a dentist. Issues caused from overbites do not appear overnight. It can take years of biting, chewing, and talking before any pain starts. If you have an over bite and any of the problems listed above, contact a professional like those at Dr Basil’s Clinic to determine if repairing your misaligned jaw is the best option.

Author's Bio: 

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She enjoys kayaking and reading books by the lake.