There is no one here on earth who has not suffered any kind of headache in his life. Fortunately, most types of headaches are benign or harmless. There are only a few severe types of headaches. Thank God they are very rare. You probably won't suffer from it.
Why does my head hurt? What can I do to relieve my headache? Learn about the causes, types, symptoms, and headache treatment in
How do you know which headaches are dangerous?
If you notice any of the following symptoms, it can be serious. Contact your doctor.
1. Sudden onset of severe headache.
2. It’s a new kind of headache you’ve never felt before.
3. Your headaches are in bad shape quickly.
4. Headache is associated with other symptoms such as projectile vomiting, visual problems, weakness on one or both sides of the face/body, fever, etc.
5. Your headache will increase by doubling the Prologue.
6. A new type of headache from old age.
A CT scan or MRI is required with these symptoms.
There are two common types of headaches:
1) Primary: if the exact reasons are not known. There are many hypotheses, postulations, but the exact cause of this type of headache is not yet understood. Common headaches in these categories are as follows:
Tension-type headache (learn more about tension-type headache)
Migraine (Learn more about common migraines and classic migraines)
Cluster headache (Learn more about cluster headaches)
2) secondary: where a headache is a symptom of some other disease. Such as common runny nose, fever, eye strain, cervical spondylosis, or rare cancer. Here are some common secondary headaches:
Cervical headaches (More information) Cervical or
Occipital neuralgia (third occipital neuralgia is one of them)
Migraine is the most common severe headache, and we will discuss the details ...
Migraine is the most common headache that needs to be seen by a doctor. It is also the most common cause of severe headaches. Migraines differ from other types of headaches and can be diagnosed based on their characteristics. Family history of migraines, the age at which the first attack occurred, and the frequency and duration of headaches also help determine if a person has a migraine or not.
Diagnosis of migraine
The International Headache Society has developed guidelines for diagnosing two forms of migraine:
1. migraine without aura (common migraine)
2. Aura migraine (classic migraine)
Migraine without plow / general migraine
I. At least five attacks per year lasting 4-72 hours
II. At least two of the following headache symptoms:
1. Pain on one side of the head
2. Throbbing/stabbing pain
3. Moderate or severe intensity that prevents or inhibits the ability to work
4. Pain caused by physical activity, such as climbing stairs, etc.
III. At least one of the following symptoms:
1. Nausea and/or vomiting
2. Sensitivity to light/sound (intolerance to light and/or sound)
IV. There is no evidence of other diseases that can cause these symptoms.
Aura migraine (classic migraine)
I. At least two attacks a year
II. At least three of the following symptoms:
1. One or more of the following plow symptoms, which then disappear.
The symptoms of Aura are:
. Visual disturbances
second. Numbness or tingling in the face, arm, or hand on one side of the body
Muscle weakness or mild paralysis on one side of the body.
re. Difficulty speaking or losing speech.
2. Gradual development of symptoms in at least one plow over four minutes or development of two or more symptoms occurring simultaneously.
3. Aura symptoms lasting up to 60 minutes
4. Headache that occurs concurrently with or follows the symptoms of the plow within 60 minutes.
III. There is no evidence of other diseases that can cause these symptoms.
Migraine stages
Researchers believe there are four distinct stages in migraine attacks. These steps are:
I. First stage or prodrome
It is experienced by 60% of migraine patients. It starts hours or days before a migraine attack. At this stage, many physical and psychological symptoms are observed. These symptoms vary between individuals but remain constant for a particular individual. Symptoms include:
1. Rigid neck
2. Feeling cold
3. Slowness / mental slowing down / fatigue
4. Hyperactivity/restlessness
5. Dizziness / drowsiness / irritability
6. Increased thirst
7. Increased urination
8. Anorexia
9. Diarrhea/constipation
10. Accumulation of fluid
11. Appetites
12. Sensitivity to light and/or sound
13. Depression
14. Euphoria
II. 2nd stage or aura
20% of migraines with classic migraines suffer from aura just before a migraine attack. It develops 5-20 minutes before a migraine attack and lasts less than an hour.
Aura's symptoms include:
1. Scintillation counters are characterized by a border of bright light around the field of vision and flashing lights or irregular lines obstructing the field of vision.
2. Resize or visually edit items.
3. Numbness or tingling in the face, arm, or hand on one side of the body.
4. Muscle weakness.
5. Mild paralysis on one side of the body.
6. Difficulty speaking or loss of speech.
III. The third stage or stage of a migraine
The symptoms of a migraine are different from other headaches.
Symptoms that distinguish migraines from other headaches:
1. Headache on one / both sides of the head, behind/around the eyes, in the area of the back or neck nodule, or may be generalized.
2. The intensity of the pain is moderate or severe and worsens with physical activity.
3. Anorexia / nausea / vomiting
4. Intolerable to light, sound, or odors
5. Blurred vision / stuffy nose / pale face
6. Heat or cold senses/sweating
7. Scalp sensitivity
8. The role of veins or arteries in the temple.
9. Decreased concentration / depression / fatigue / nervousness / irritability
IV. Step 4 or postdrome
Some people may experience the following symptoms after a migraine attack:
Fatigue / irritability / decreased concentration / scalp sensitivity / mood swings.
Migraine management:
I. Preventive treatment
. Preventive drugs:
It will be reported in the following situations
1. A migraine occurs twice a month and causes an injury that lasts for at least three days
2. Medicines that treat the symptoms or try to stop the attack are not best for patients or do not work
3. The pattern of migraine attacks is predictable, as are menstrual migraines.
Commonly used drugs include flunarizine, propranolol, methysergide, amitriptyline, carbamazepine, divalproex sodium, etc.
second. Intervention pain management:
Botulinum toxin injections into the scalp prevent migraine attacks for a long time.
The sphenopalatine ganglion block also keeps the patient's symptoms free for a long time.
II. Avoiding a trip
Researchers have found that triggers often cause migraine attacks. Studies have shown that avoiding these triggers can halve the frequency of migraine attacks. They are as follows:
Foods Aged cheese, alcohol, MSG, chocolate, caffeine, hot dogs, bacon, cold cuts, avocado, fermented or pickled foods, yeast or protein extracts, onions, nuts, aspartame.
Antibiotics, antihypertensives, H2 blockers, vasodilators.
Hormonal factors Menstrual, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy
Lifestyle factors Delayed or skipped meals, changes in sleep patterns, stress
Environmental changes Weather changes, high altitude, time zone changes such as jet lag.
III. Interruptive treatment
There are certain medications used to stop migraine attacks:
Brain vasoconstrictors: ergotamine tartrate, dihydroergotamine, sumatriptan, zolmitriptan, etc.
Non-vasoconstrictors: Butorphanol and other narcotic analgesics.
Interventional pain management: The spheno-palatinous ganglion block interrupts an acute migraine attack.
IV. General pain management
Simple painkillers such as acetaminophen, aspirin for other NSAIDs, and opioids such as codeine, tramadol, etc.
Probably you are not suffering from such. Migraine Headache How to know which headaches are serious? If you notice any of the following symptoms...
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