Here is a simple way to heal ADHD without medications and it works. We have lots of adults who have difficulties focusing and this plays havoc with their lives and in the end they feel disconnected from society. And we have lots of chemicals in our food that are playing havoc with our brains. Here are a few recommendations that will change all of that in a few short weeks without the use of drugs that have lots of side effects.

TV and Computers

First of all it’s been shown that sitting in front of the TV, computers, and our personal pads and smartphones causes anxiety, stress, and our inability to focus. We need to limit or completely disconnect from all of these electronic devices. Some people are very sensitive to the radiation and bright light that they give off, thus they over stimulate our mind and we are not able to focus. In fact all these electronic devices have been show to cause insomnia, and a new study shows that cell phones cause brain tumors… another reason to disconnect.

Diet is Very Important - Only Eat Organic!

Also diet is extremely important, there have been many cases where mothers have taken their children off all artificial colors, sweeteners, preservatives, pesticides, and GMO Foods and their ADHD disappeared. What we eat does make a difference in the quality of attention that we have, in fact everything we have contact with makes a huge difference.

On the average regular fruits and veggies contain 6 - cancer causing chemicals, 12 hormone disrupting chemicals, and 12 other disease causing chemicals that play havoc with our brains. So it’s vital that we only eat organic food. And a person can google “Contract with Organic Farmer” or something similar… and find a farmer that will deliver right to a person door for less than what it costs for regular food in the super market.

Water is important our brain is composed of lots of water, and that means we need at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day or a 1/2 liter in the morning and 1/2 liter in the afternoon and more. Drink Reverse Osmosis Water, reverse osmosis water filters can be found at any home repair center. It’s the best water, even kidney doctors recommend reverse osmosis water for their patients. Most water contains lots of toxins, so good clean water is very important for healing ADHD. And water in plastic bottles is toxic, there are over 24,000 different toxic chemicals in plastic, drink water from stainless steel, ceramic, and glass containers. And start eliminating plastics in the household, plastics in general are toxic. And every cell in our body contains plastic compounds which play havoc with our brains chemistry.

Have breakfast in the morning before 8AM with 1 1/2 cups of fruit, and 1/2 cup of almond milk or nut milk of any kind… and 1/2 cup of raw rolled oats. Good old old fashioned oats or hemp seeds, but don’t cook it, eat it raw and use honey, stevia, or agave nectar or some other natural sweetener, no chemicals please.

Use any kind of fruit –apples, berries, strawberries, cherries, cranberries, all raw because raw foods are full of live enzymes which are important for our brain. When we cook food we lose up to 75% of the nutrients and 100% of all live enzymes… eat at least 80 to 90% raw food. Have a green salad for lunch, with lots of raw veggies. Cooked food is seen by the body as an invader and it’s hard on our immune system, and it’s not good for our mental health. In between meals eat organic carrot sticks, any other veggie, and fruit of any kind as snacks – eat 4 snacks a day at 10AM, 2PM, 4PM, and 7PM. That’s 1/2 cup of any of fruit or veggie.

Also eat a low glycemic index foods - if a person googles list of glycemic index foods lots of lists will come up. And make sure to eat foods that have a glycemic index of 55 or lower. Eating low glycemic index foods is vital for stable blood and brain chemistry.

Have dinner have a hot meal around 5 or 6 PM. Make a very healing soup from broccoli, cabbage, kale, swiss chard, turnip greens, been greens, and any other greens, and add spices, no salt or very little salt, and use low sodium veggie stock. Add 4 cups of beans, such as pink beans, garbanzos, or lentils… beans are great. Please don’t use canned beans, canned beans are toxic with lots of chemicals in linings of the cans which are toxic to our mental health.

Remove the following items. No meat, no chicken, no fish, no seafood, no eggs, no cheese, no milk, no added oils, no canned foods, no artificial flavors, no artificial sweeteners, no sugar, no artificial anything, no chemicals of any kind, chemicals destroy our mind. Also no alcohol, no highly spiced food, and use very little salt, no fast food, no processed food, if in doubt don’t eat it. Plus no wheat, no bread, no barley, no spelt, no rye – all of these are highly inflammatory and they can cause mental challenges and what some call bread head and brain fog. And GMO Foods are highly inflammatory, eat organic, organic foods are not full of toxic compounds, they are full of great nutrition. For more protein eat organic tofu, beans, nuts, seeds, all organic. Remember we only need 5 or 6 % plant based protein and that’s exactly what we get on this diet.

Also add 4 capsules of probiotic bacteria 4 times a day for the first month, and then once a week after that. When we don’t have probiotic bacteria in our gut, bad bacteria produce toxins that can create terrible effects on our brain. We should have 4 pounds of good bacteria in our gut but most people only have 1/2 pound– not good. Also eating live sauerkraut and kimchi will add bacteria to our system. Our mood, our thinking, our ability to focus are connect to the health of our GI tract.

Alkalizing and Antioxidants

Alkalizing the body and providing the body with lots of antioxidants is very important. And one of the best ways to provide the body with both of these is with green juices. Drink at least 2 and up to 6 – 8 oz glasses of green alkalizing juice every day – Kale, Cabbage, Cucumbers, Swiss Chard, Lots of Carrots, Turnip Greens, Beet Greens, and any other kind of green leafy veggie that can be found. Alkalizing keeps inflammation away and inflammation can lead to all kinds of disease and even mental health challenges. Also include carrots, carrots are amazingly healthy and contain powerful healing nutrients.

Take antioxidant supplements such as avocado seed powder, ashitaba powder, grape seed extract, fresh garlic, turmeric powder, and ginger tea. All of these antioxidants are important for keeping inflammation away and creating health and well being for our mind/body. Also take 3,000 milligrams of Chlorella everyday, chlorella can be found in 1,000 mg tablets, or small 200 milligram tablets. Chlorella is a green algae that contains over 60 different nutrients including all the trace minerals, vitamins, essential proteins, and none essential proteins that we need. Chlorella has everything important for our brain and body.

Our Brain Needs Rest

Our brain needs rest, get up at 6 AM and go to bed go10 PM. We have two little cells that flash on and off every second in every organ of our body and especially our heart. And they know when we should be sleeping and when we should wake up and get moving… it’s vital for a healthy focused mind to work in accordance with nature.

There are wonderful healing FREE 10 Day Vipassana Meditation Retreats that are very important for people with ADHD to attend. These retreats teach a person how to focus, how to go inward, and find peace and calm. These retreats are totally free, even the food and lodging is free, all a person has to do is show up. Google “Free 10 Day Vipassana Meditation Retreats” and they will come up. They are usually booked 3 or 4 months in advance so sign up as soon as possible. But don’t put yourself on a waiting list, on the average people never drop out of these retreats.

Nature is Great for the Brain

It’s also important to get outside in nature one hour a day. It was found that children who were out in nature on a regular basis did not have as many health and emotional challenges as those who were always stuck in the house. There is a different vibrational frequency when we are out in the woods, near a lake, or by the ocean. And all those negative ions we pick up from nature are very important for preventing ADHD.

Many Blessings to Everyone!

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist

Author's Bio: 

Feel Free to Share – This information is meant to get you started… so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form.

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at – feel free to connect with him any time.

Here is a short video bio –