Healthy Heart

Is your Heart Healthy? I hope so. I hope that your Heart is Healthy in every way.

Is the energy of your Heart Healthy?
Is the light within your Heart revealing and expressing itself?

Are you feeling sad and anxious?
Is your Heart happy at this time?
And how does one create a Happy Heart?

Do you remember a time in life where you were so happy and alive?
Do you remember a time, anytime even, when you were in high school or middle school where you were so happy and alive?
Do you remember a time where you were fed happiness through kind words or through humorous words?

Was your Heart happy then?

Can you imagine being in that state again?

Can you remember a time where you were feeling so peaceful?
I know you can. Go ahead and let go and allow your mind to bring to your attention Right Now, that time were you were feeling so peaceful. Weather you were having a quiet night watching TV, listening to soothing music, walking with nature or reading a good solid inspiring book, taking a relaxing bath, swimming in delight of your Body, meditating or heard a very calming news.

How was your heart? Calm, relaxed and at ease, Perhaps?

Do you remember a time where you did something for yourself that renewed your being? This thing that you did brought a smile on your face and gratification to your Soul. Can you remember such a time?

How was your heart? Joyful perhaps?

Can you remember a time where you did something wonderful and extravagant for a loved one or a stranger? A time where you went beyond your ego and you solely did something for someone as your True Self?

How did you feel? How did your heart feel?

Can you remember a time when you thought were limited and you found out that you are infinite and boundless?

How did you feel?

Can you remember a time when you felt weak and dis-empowered and then felt strong and powerful?

How did your Heart feel?

Can you remember a time when you felt helpless and possessed and then felt good and at cause of your life?

How did your Heart feel?

Can you say that every time you felt good your Heart felt Healthy? Can you, could you, Now?
And when your Heart is Healthy what can you achieve in your life? When your Heart is Healthy what can you make out of your life? When your Heart is Healthy how far can you go in life with your Being?

When your Heart is happy and well so are you. When you are happy and well so is your heart for you and your Heart are One.

I invite you today to do something beyond all limitations of your mind to create a Healthy Heart for yourself. You are certainly worth your time and effort.

Bless you and so it is.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Please feel free to share and forward these Insights to your family, friends, teachers, students, co-workers and enemies to create The path of Creation for all and to Create Oneness.

May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

Author's Bio: 

With love, Gratitude and Respect,
Michelle Morovaty
Truly With God All Things Are Possible For our healers and coaches creating Transformation inside and out. For our purposeful creations of delightful and inspirational products.