It's hard to imagine that a Christian marriage might require saving.But even the most devout Christian is still just a human at heart, and so very often that means that we make mistakes, including mistakes that can threaten a marriage.

Temptations are all around us. And free choice means that some of our decisions will not be good ones. These in turn can make or break a marriage.

For the full article on Save Your Christian Marriage, Have a look here: Ways to Save Your Christian Marriage

Yet you shouldn't give up, for where there is God there is always the chance for salvation.
Here are some tips to help you keep God in your Christian marriage and work on saving that holy union.


The first step in saving any marriage is to evaluate the issues that have arisen.
Have you both grown distant or lack proper communication skills? Or maybe a more serious issue is deep within?.

While mis-communication can create challenges, infidelity, lying and abuse can all wreak much more damage and will require much more work to overcome.

Are you unified?

We often find that events outside the marriage will intensify issues within the marriage.

While extended family members mean well, their advice and criticisms can make things worse, but remembering this advice from scripture can help; "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" (Gen 2:18 & 21-24).

If you're trying to save your Christian marriage, be careful about the advice you take. Beware of those who often demean or talk badly about your spouse. Remember that divisiveness is not helpful or Godly.

God's Words to Live By

In Ephesians 5:33, the Bible states, "However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband"; this is the best path towards saving your marriage and it is based on sound reasoning.

God knows all of us at our most intimate levels, he knows our deepest desires and our true instincts.

God knows that women want to be cherished and men want to be appreciated.
This does not mean that men should never display their appreciation or that women should conceal their love.
It does provide a good starting point for examining your relationship and could go a long way towards saving your Christian marriage.

Just a reminder, that I have the full article of Save Your Christian Marriage, which you might wish to Take a look at: Save Your Christian Marriage

Demonstrating Respect

For a wife, one of the best ways you can demonstrate respect is to accede to the decisions that your husband makes.
Although it may be difficult to do, this means allowing him to lead your family even if you may disagree with his decision.

And if in the end, he made the wrong decision, please do not rub it in.
Stand beside him and offer your full support even in the most difficult of times, for this will demonstrate a boundless regard that will swell his heart.

Demonstrating Love

Now a bit of advice for the men out there. Showing love takes a lot more than just saying, "I Love You" now and then.
The bible teaches us that men should love their wives as Christ loved the church, keeping in mind that Christ died for the church!.

You can give up something that you value in her honor.
This may mean forgoing a night out with the boys in order to do something kind for her.

In conclusion

There are many strategies for saving a Christian marriage.
The advice in this article represents the first steps.
God's church and bible are full of advice that can help you to strengthen your marriage, making both of you happier and giving you peace.

And remember, you can take all your problems to God in prayer and seek his help in saving your Christian marriage.
You may find that there are some hurtful things you want to express to your partner, but fight the temptation!.

If you ask, he will give you the wisdom and guidance needed to make your marriage stronger and more Godly.

I hope you enjoyed this article, I also have a review of a top notch product that you might want to take a look at here: Save Your Christian Marriage Review

Author's Bio: 

Jessica Andrews has been in a loving relationship for the past 2.5 years, thanks largely to the guides she has used and reviewed. She is now committed to ensuring that other couples reap the same benefits in which a healthy loving relationship can offer. Lee H Baucom Save Your Christian Marriage Review is just one of the many guides she has reviewed.