Pharmaceutical drugs for allergies often cause side effects like drowsiness, and they only mask symptoms instead of eliminating the source of allergies -- allergens like dust, pollen, and mold.

Environmental control of allergens removes the root cause of allergies. You can keep indoor allergens to a minimum by washing your bed sheets in hot water at least once a week, changing furnance filters regularly, and vacuuming at least once a week.

You can reduce allergy symptoms by controlling your internal environment, too. The research field of psychoneuroimmunology informs us that our thoughts and feelings affect our immune system. For example, there is an association between anxiety and allergies (see research reference below). Stress reduction techniques such as meditation and yoga relieve allergy symptoms for some. Regular exercise and adequate rest also boost the immune system.

Many foods have an inflammatory effect and make allergies worse. For example, many allergy sufferers are sensitive to milk products. Other foods may relieve symptoms. For allergy relief, try incorporating more omega-3 fatty acids into your diet; they have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Finally, a natural, toxin-free lifestyle will bolster the immune system, too. Toxic chemicals put stress on the immune system and lower the allergic threshold, making allergy symptoms more likely appear. Opt for natural and organic products whenever possible. See the comprehensive guide at for more informaton.

Research reference: Kovalenko, P. A., Hoven, C. W., Wu, P., Wicks, J., Mandell, D. J. and Tiet, Q. (2001), Association between allergy and anxiety disorders in youth. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 35: 815–821.

Author's Bio: 

Holistic Allergy Relief offers advice on environmental control of allergens, holistic health, and nutrition for allergy sufferers.