How are you Generating Leads for your Business?
If you are new to the network marketing industry, or have stalled out in your lead generating efforts, getting new prospect leads is essential to keep your business flourishing.
You cannot possibly expect to pitch your business or service to everyone, if you do, you will find you don't have many friends and people just plain avoid you!
Generating Online Prospect Leads
There are processes you should follow online or offline.
If you are doing something you love and its network marketing, you will probably have no problem at all sponsoring people for your down line team. However the ability to close a sale is related directly to the quality of your lead. Why would you waste your valuable time pitching your product, service or business opportunity to people who are not interested in it from the beginning? Although this may seem like basic business etiquette, but when new people enter the network marketing/direct sales business arena, their enthusiasm sometimes over takes common sense!
The First thing you must do is identify your prospect lead first. You need to think "target marketing". It is critical to know who your best potential customer or possible team member is and market exclusively to them.
Now there is some common lead prospecting lead methods that work for any business. Keep in mind that what may work for one direct sales company may not work for yours. One thing to keep in mind is to do what you are comfortable doing, it will reflect in how you make your presentations of your product or service.
Word of mouth: the best and most cost-effective way to gather prospect leads. Be sure to follow up on any referrals from customers as soon as possible, and be sure to mention your customer's name. Referrals from happy customers are very effective because your product has already delivered what they were looking for a solution to a problem, more than likely the referral you got has been introduced to your product in the past and is therefore a warm prospect.
Keep in mind that whatever you do with this lead will reflect back on the referrer, so be sure to follow up promptly and never forget to contact the referrer and thank them. If the contact is successful it may lead to more referrals, and that's exactly what you want! A neat idea to think about is to come up with some kind or incentive for the customer that provided you with the referral and rest assured it will be much appreciated; one idea is you could provide a small gift from your product line or a certain percentage off their next order. If you have a customer that seems to always bring you people to contact you may want to offer them an opportunity to be a part of your team if you have not offered them the opportunity.
Networking for Prospect Leads
Do you belong to organizations or meetup groups? There is a huge variety of places to become a member in your local area. These organizations can serve as a fabulous place to find new customers. Maybe an option is to join a networking group and share leads with others in related businesses.
Another option to consider is to find new leads is trade shows, however keep in mind trade shows can sometimes be costly and require a lot of time and effort to include money. Your target market is usually attends these types of events, so you will need to win them over with your personality and presence! You Must follow the attraction marketing rules in this type of arena so don't stand around looking bored be sure to engage with prospective customers!
Once you have identified potential prospects, get to know them become a master question asker. Gather information on them. Get to know them, what business are they in, what problems are they facing what solution can you offer? Remember the key component “Knowledge is power”!
If you are truly serious about building your Network Marketing/Direct Sales business, there is only one program I can recommend right now that has stood the test of time and that is MLSP Prospecting. This program provides you with all the tools you need and a vast array advanced training you can use to generate traffic to your site, generated leads, leads on demand, and even promote your business. MLSP can even help you generate money right away to help offset some of your expenses. In my opinion it is the perfect solution to help you and your teams get started - regardless of your skill set that you bring with you.
I can even show you how I use this system to generate quality leads, and earn commissions, and sponsor people in my primary business – I do this working just a few hours per week.
Stop struggling with your Business and put your business on the fast track.
~You so Deserve Great Success!!
If I can be of any assistance please feel free to connect with me.
~ To Your Extraordinary Success
Lori Wagner
Business Owner, Mentor
Lori Wagner is a Business Owner who is commited to helping other grow their Network Marketing/Direct Sales Business.
***If you like to work with me, email me your name, phone number, a brief message about you, and your interest in growing your business to leave me your information by calling my google voice number (443) 203-9824. Myself or my assistant will contact you for a follow up within 24-48 hours between 5-8PM EST Monday – Friday. My office hours are 5-8:00 PM EST Monday – Friday and weekends by appointment only.
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