Signs of Spirit ~ How Spirit can speak to us through animals.
This past Sunday I was walking out my front door and I noticed a red-tailed hawk circling above. It was being dive bombed by 3 very large crows, however the hawk was undaunted, keeping its eye on its intentions. This sight left an impact on me, so I simply took notice and proceeded on my way. When I arrived back home I looked up the animals and its symbolism, still something didn't feel quite right, even though I well understood the meaning being portrayed so this image has remained in my minds eye.
Monday came around with this memory well within my view. I host a radio program on Monday's at 11:00 a.m. so I was busy getting some running around in and gathering my energy for the show. Now I have only been hosting my show for a short time and am in the process of learning the switchboard, taking calls and talking so I have not participated in the chat room although it is open and many of my listeners take advantage of the chat room to get to know one another, comment about what I am talking about with each other and what they are up to. Monday seemed to provide insight into being dive bombed. I was relaying a story about a woman who is now working 3 jobs because she WANTS to and apparently one of those in the chat room was looking at this story through a more limited view. She told the other chatters I was ignorant and asked if I thought I was talking to adults or pre-K's. Another chatter shared with her that there were plenty of other shows to listen to and she could go and listen to them anytime. The other chatters soon followed with seconding and third-ing that motion and the naysayer was gone. This was all brought to my attention after the show was over. I held no judgment to this person as I do realize she is simply looking at how she would react to working 3 jobs. Let me share with you that the woman who has taken these 3 jobs used to work a very 'professional' job and had been out of work, now she loves being around people, people she had previously thought herself better than.
Last night I was listening to a friends radio show. His is about animals and animal totems. So I asked if he had any insight into the red-tailed hawk being dive bombed by these 3 crows. He gave me the same advise I would have given to anyone... get still and listen for my answer. It came quickly enough.... I was the hawk, I was the one being dive bombed. I was simply reminded to remain undaunted by personal attacks. Why Thank You Spirit, what an awesome message that was and is!
So I remain undaunted and I shall remain flying high for that is my intention. BE THE HAWK.

~ Suziangel224/Cera ~

Author's Bio: 

I am blessed with channeling messages from Spirit that give hope and guidance to all of us. Each morning comes a new way of looking at our earth bound lives, how we handle our daily interactions with others and to be reminded we are spiritual beings in a physical world.