There are many types of jobs that one can take on as a career today; there are creative job titles with creative posts and job specifications but supported employment services may be a very special category in today’s environment.

Jobs are always required by all consumers across all strata of society as jobs provide food on the table and shelter for the consumers. Hence, regardless of the type of environment one lives in, there is always a need for supported employment services as it may not be easy to secure a job; much less the job that one might prefer.

The environment may impact the chances of securing a job such as an ailing economy that may lower the opportunity for available jobs in the market. A robust economy, on the other hand, may raise an individual’s chances in securing a job; sometimes, one can attract more than one job with or without supported employment service providers.

Service providers
However, supported employment service providers can play a very proactive role in assisting an individual to secure a job more easily as they are more familiar with the job market requirements. These service providers function to seek out the best jobs available in the market and the best candidates for these jobs. They are always on the lookout for attractive, interesting and lucrative employment positions in the wide range of industries.

Sometimes at certain countries these supported employment service providers are called employment agencies or ‘head hunters’. These supported employment service providers can be partners or affiliates with certain organizations to seek appropriate employment for a particular group of potential workers.

Skills and qualifications
Supported employment providers must be people oriented to be successful in this area. They need to have the necessary qualifications and soft skills to identify the right job for the right person as the right person in the right job can bring about great productivity and enhance the performance of the individual.

Some of these skills cannot be acquired academically; it can be an innate skill such as the ability to communicate with all sorts of people easily or to identify the right quality in a potential employee to a particular job in the industry.

However, some Learning disabilities services can be trained and with experience, they can be successful in their role. The more difficult kind of services to provide supported employment would be to physically challenged individuals or those with learning disabilities.

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Do you need help to remove barriers that are keeping you from working? United Response run a number of projects, including supported employment services and personalisation of careservices to help people gain the skills, qualifications and confidence they need.